S E V E N T Y - F I V E. Queens secret

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"Vincenzo" shaking him trying to get him up considering the fact that his uncle Maccini is here he turns on his side slapping my hand way glaring at him even though he may not see it but he's going to feel it punching his arm hard "Bello" he says sitting up looking at me folding my arms in front of me huffing tapping my foot his eyes grow a little wide yeah he knows he's done something wrong, he sighs getting off the bed wrapping his arms around me showing him my hand he sees the red mark "Sorry" he says kissing my cheek rapidly smiling he pulls away looking at me smiling with that amazing smile of his that just makes my heart flutter honestly I should be mad but I can't.

"Vincenzo" we hear Arturo an Guido saying banging on the door but before we knew it the door swings open with a bang causing me to jump in surprise looking towards Vincenzo noticing his eyes are darker then they usually are their almost dangerous glancing over seeing his uncle Giovanni walking in the room slowly backing because I know a storm is about to hit this room an I'm not going to be in here when it does, quickly making my way towards the door seeing Layla and Joy waiting for me grabbing their hands giggling and once I do both Vincenzo and his uncle Giovanni start yelling in Italian sighing shaking my head honestly I think those two need to be put in a room one time so they can talk.

Walking down the hallway seeing his other uncle Maccini shaking his head rolling his eyes hearing them yelling glancing around it seems everyone is starting to get aggravated "Sta 'zitto" yelling down the hallway loud enough that they can hear me the whole room falls into silence for a moment which is kind of ironic considering the fact that I just told both Vincenzo and his uncle Giovanni to shut up in a instant the whole room burst into laughter at what I did, 'Ding' hearing my phone go off pulling my phone out my anger begins to rise seeing a picture of that bastard Caleb standing at my mother's grave smiling "Bastard" saying tossing my phone at the wall my father looks at me before he picks up my phone off the ground he's eyes show rage flaring in them I swear Caleb is going to pay for this.

Closing my eyes trying to control the tears that are on the brink of pouring out them feeling a hand being placed on shoulder snapping my eyes open to see Layla holding soprano in her arm looking at me a little worried shaking my head "I'm okay" saying she raises her eyebrow sighing cussing myself I should have known better her and Joy are practically like my sisters hearing footsteps coming towards the living room,"He's dead" my father says in a calm voice yet everybody knows he's not calm clenching my fist tightly to my side Vincenzo places his hand on mine giving me the 'calm down' look sighing unclenching my fist I have to remain calm that worthless bastard Caleb is just trying to mess with all of us nodding my head he wraps his arm around me causing my anger to just fade away some.

"Oh nephew" his other uncle Maccini says tapping his shoulder trying to get his attention Vincenzo sighs heavily turning around to see uncle handing him an envelope noticing his change in behavior all of a sudden raising my eyebrow he grabs his uncle Maccini arm walking towards the other room shaking my head walking towards my father who's leaning on the wall like he always does which is kinda funny to tell the truth,"Talk?" asking he nods his head kicking off the wall smiling he opens the door letting me out the door first Layla and Arturo watch us from the window like hawks shaking my head in disbelief turning around seeing my father staring at the ocean walking next to him I know what I'm about to ask him is big but it needs to be asked hopefully he says yes.

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