T W E N T Y- S I X. Deadly

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Looking down at my sunshine whose eyes are closed as she softly snores kind of funny she gets on me about snoring a little bit I'm learning to pick my battles with her but in the end we both win leaning my head back thinking on how I'm going to make her uncle pay for saying that he was going to kill her an her friends that doesn't fly with me I know damn well it doesn't settle well with Vincenzo or Arturo, heavily sighing shaking my head right now I just need to focus on this moment with her when the time comes he'll get what's coming to him in a very painful way feeling her shift in her sleep causing me to stop moving around looking down she seems so peaceful sleeping even though not that long ago she had a life-threatening but I'm just glad that she's safe and in my arms at the moment the thought of something happening to her I couldn't handle it I'm going to make sure that she is always safe and sound.

Looking up at the ceiling thinking about our conversation that we had this morning about Aurora's 'dad' the fact no one trusts him says a whole lot maybe he's done something that we don't know about when we left for Italy "But what" mumbling to myself as I start to think of possibilities of what he could have done to make the girls not like him to be honest it was something always off about that man, shaking my head sighing as I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket luckily it's not on the side she's sleeping on reaching in my pocket pulling it out quickly trying not to wake her up unlocking it my eyes widen when I see a text message from Vincenzo informing me that Joy's uncle is high off of ecstasy pills that Leo an Ray found about 10 more pills in the fuckers car that's literally right down the street at a bar tossing my phone to the chair my blood begins to boil I had a feeling he was on something the moment he passed us he's eyes were completely bloodshot an grinned the whole time as if he was superman well if he thinks he's superman I'll be his undoing.

"Guido" hearing her sweet angelic voice calling my name snapping me out of my thoughts glancing down seeing her fluttering her beautiful eyes open some as she stretches out chuckling as I lay a kiss on her cheek well watching her cheeks turn rosie red from blushing so much leaning my forehead onto hers instantly our eye's connect I could get lost into her beautiful eyes to me her eyes seem to have a hint gold flacks in them she grabs my hand playfully squeezes it trying to she's got strength chuckling at her little innocent attempt I bite her lip softly before tugging at it , we hear the door open "It's me" Aurora says before she walks into the room with milkshakes on a tray with a mischievous smile on her face causing my sunshine to laugh as she jumps up off the bed shaking my head I get up an walk towards them as my sunshine hands me one "Thanks" saying before taken a sip they both nod their heads but before they could say anything Layla comes running in like a mad woman "Hide me" she says in a panic voice Aurora shakes her head an opens the closet door as a Lalya runs in it to hide I can hear Arturo calling her name then it clicks Layla had to do something hearing have footsteps approaching at the corner of my eye seeing whip cream smothered on Arturo's face.

"You okay Arturo? You got something here an there dude"Saying trying my hardest not to laugh as he growls like a damn animal.

"Do I look like I'm okay? No I'm just fine besides I got whip cream on my face, have you all seen Layla my sweet little Angel anywhere?" Arturo asks while glancing around the room as the girls shake their heads 'no'.

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