T W E L V E. Revenge

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The phone goes died everything in me is screaming 'move now' glance over towards Vincenzo and Guido who has the same expressions on their faces as I do without a second thought we run to the SUV as my uncle Leo starts it up Vincenzo pulls up the tracker that's on Aurora's car noticing it's not the house where we left them "Drive" Vincenzo spats as my uncle Leo start to fly down the road when we left girls who are opposed to go take care of some rats come to find out it was all a hoax we didn't find anyone so yeah we went off on the guard but to our surprised he knew nothing about the alarm even went off he was sitting in office the whole entire time, the way Layla talked she didn't sound the same like she was in a fog or just plan speechless I swear if anyone touches her or does anything to her I'll snap yeah I have a short temper I'll admit it I've got so many nicknames it's funny but one is my favorite from the rest 'sin' Vincenzo gave me that after we busted a group of guys for breaking into one of our warehouses let's just say it was a bloody mess scuffing while looking out the window just thinking about my Layla calms me down.

"What the fuck" my uncle Leo yells as he slams on the breaks causing me and Guido to both hit our heads on the doors growling moving myself towards the front to snap but then I see a car on fire my heart starts to race as my uncle Leo turns the wheel to go around it that's when we see our girls standing there with Mr.Willson an Aurora's uncle Knoxs seeing a gun in my Layla hand, I don't know if I should be happy or pissed off to tell the truth as my uncle Leo parks the car we open the doors and rush towards our girls who see us Layla looks at "Arturo" she says while open up her arms wrapping my arms around her pulling her in "I'm here" cooing in her ear as we slowly rock back an forth.

"What happened?" Vincenzo spats while looking at Aurora.

"We we're being followed and I shot at the headlight area there's always a weak spot on every car unless your car is bulletproof anyways they guys jumped out an ran into the woods"  Layla stats while clenching her jaw.

"You did what? I told you I didn't want you shooting a gun Layla!" Hissing while Layla rolls her eyes.

"And how in the hell did expect us to defend ourselves or would you rather have us ran off the road?" Joy hissed while I shot her a glare.

"Dude your eyes don't" Guido spats while stepping in front of Joy.

"Stop! Damn they had to shot at the car that's what they were trained to do, did you girls notice anything with the guys anything at all?"Mr.Knoxs asks the girls.

"We noticed a few thing" Aurora says while all three of them look down.

"Like what my Aurora tell us" Vincenzo ask while rubbing Aurora's arm.

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