T W E N T Y -T H R E E. Pain

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Feeling my chest tighting up some like I'm losing air in my lungs as if I'm drowning "Layal!" hearing my name being yelled causes me to open my eyes quickly to see a very worried Arturo who's towering over me placing my hand ove his cheek smiling at him trying to play off the fact the my own dream felt like it was trying to suffocate me but I know exactly why this happened at times 'anxiety attack' it happens randomly,  I've had them since childhood after my parent's died an sometimes it's overwhelming like the energy was drained out of me at times feeling he's soft lips on my cheek makes me feel warm an fuzzy inside washing the anxiety away running my fingertips on his arm tracing his tattoo slowly as he's kisses start to trail down my neck as chills go down spin in a delightful way being honest he's the only one ever to make me feel light as air.

"You okay? You were shaking like a leaf"He says between kisses as he's fingertips slowly run down my arm.

"Yes I'm fine just had a small anxiety attack. Don't worry" calmly saying trying to enjoy our little passionate moment even though I know he'll ruin it any moment with millions of questions.

"Anxiety attack? When did you start getting them angel? You sure you okay? Do you need anything? I'll get you whatever you need I'll look stuff to..." He starts ramble on rolling my eyes pressing our lips together just to shut him up for the moment.

"First off okay? I'm fine I get them randomly since childhood after my parent's died. I've been to a doctor an talked about it, they told me it's from fear from out of no where. Second I've learned out to control it over the years but this time it just took over, I'm sorry if I worried or scared you when that happened it was not my intention at all" Saying placing my hand on his cheek as our eyes connect and I see so many emotions swirling in his eyes.

"Fear? What kind of fear my Angel? Don't be sorry it just surprised me that's all. You know I'm here for you so you can tell me things if you want to" He softly says before kissing me on the lips as my hand slides up back slowly.

"Just fear. I don't really know what kind of fear triggers it at all but maybe one day I'll figure it out. I know you Arturo an thank you, sometimes I feel kinda torn between been always being nice or bitchy because we figured out we would probably have to be bitchs to get things done. Along with our weapons an don't say ' I don't want you holding a gun or knif because if Aurora didn't have her gun out we would have been hurt by that crazy ass psycho then you, Vincenzo and Guido would have flipped out an hell would be on earth. So don't run that sexy little mouth of yours or I'll have to shut it for you" Bluntly saying as he grins mischievously and it looks like he's thinking about to what to say or do next.

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