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Feeling kisses on my neck I recognize them lips anywhere bitting my lip as I feel Vincenoz lips explore my neck slowly while trying my hardest not to whimper because damn his lips are soft he knows exactly what he's doing to me "I know your awake" he whispers in my ear causing me to turn around glaring at him as he smirks before pulling me into his strong arms of his that somehow I feel safe in like nothing could hurt me even though he's the king of all mafia an he told me he's done things he wasn't to proud of but had to be done to make his point clear to other families that are in the mafia not to cross him or his ' il gruppo',he kisses my cheek causing me to snap out of my thoughts nuzzling my head into chest feeling him trace my tattoo on my arm only thing I can do is smile while I slowly trace his before the door busts open causing him to growl as Layla runs in "Shh" she says hiding behind the chair before Arturo walks in huffing like his mad a little but me and Vincenoz both know he can't be mad at Layla for long only a short time Artruo looks over at us shaking my head while laughing while Vincenoz sighs heavily before glaring at Arturo who smirks before Layla runs out from her hiding place an pushs past him causing me and Vincenoz to burst into laughter.

"You know we never get a real moment alone"He says while I raise my eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean we're alone now"  Saying as he shakes he's head.

"Not what I mean Aurora, what I'm saying is every time we have a moment somehow it gets interrupted"He says while rubbing my back.

"Well how you going to fix that king?"  Asking while he smirks.

"How about we go on a date? Just you and me no one else"He says causing me to smile.

"Really? But I don't want to do fancy for our date"Mumbling while he shakes his head.

"I know this I wouldn't do that for our first date something fun maybe, like the board walk an I can win you a prize" He says while my eyes grow wide.

"YES!!! Plus lunch"Saying while poking his chest causing him to laugh.

"Yes lunch to anything my future queen wants" He says before kissing me softly.

"Queen? Hmm it's kinda got a ring"  Teasing while bitting my lip.

"Don't bite your lip or I'll give you a real reason to bite your lip but in a very pleasurable way" He says while kissing my neck slowly.

"Well maybe you might get lucky tonight"Saying while getting off the bed.

"What did you say?" He asks while looking at me like he saw a ghost.

"I said nothing"Teasing while swaying my hips.

"Oh no I heard you loud an clear  my naughty Aurora" He says while coming up behind me while nibbling on my neck.

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