T W E N T Y-O N E. Blood

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Waking up sucked this morning had a headache but we had to get moving we had to leave lucky for us me an Layla packed up our things even Joy's belongings while she was out with Guido last night which she need but I had to fight Vincenzo to tell me why he's mood changed so damn suddenly once he said 'Joy's dad' everything in me just shut down an my protective side flared up even Layla's mood swifted quickly once Arturo told her only thing we wanted was to protect our bestfriend even though we grabbed vodka an started drinking it was worth it the guys got free dances but Vincenzo stopped he's dance an took me upstairs, feeling my cheeks burning up I wind down the windows to let in the cool fresh air in to help me at least glancing at the GPS sighing seeing we have three more hours of a drive to go "Lovely" mumbling under my breath we've been on the road since five this morning an now it's twelve in the afternoon shaking my head this drive seems to be taken forever but in the end it will be worth it getting answers maybe but really all I'm getting is encrypted little bits and pieces which is irritating to no damn end.

Pushing the gas pedal down as I begin to pick up speed not wanting to waste anymore time on the road plus I don't want to get stuck in afternoon traffic the faster we get their the better even though we are heading towards a city where it never sleeps an parties a lot New Orleans we've been here before we went to Mardi Gras with my uncle Knoxs thinking about it things was pure madness when we went I'll never forget it Layla reaches over an it's not just my phone off of my lap to change the song "Really?" spatting towards her as she smirks while Joy laughs between us, looking at the gas gauge I see its almost on empty luckily there's a gas station up ahead for me to fill this monster up with gas an get some snacks or something for the rest of the ride there because we haven't ate since five in the morning an our stomachs are growling laughter fills the car from the sounds of our stomachs as we pull into the gas station.

Pulling up to the pump we all get out but at the corner of my eye I see Vincenzo's car parked on the other side of the gas station shaking my head looking up the pump number we walk into the store as I wait in line Layla an Joy go on the attack on grabbing food along with drinks for us an eerie feeling starts to creep up my spin an not in a good way as I was about to turn around Layla an Joy come to my side with louds stuff in their hands, shaking my head as we reach the cashier who just smiles at us "40 on pump2" saying while handing the cashier a hundred dollar bill to pay for everything as she hands me the change I get that feeling again but Layla pulls on my arm to walk out the store so I can pump the gas an we can leave honestly the soon the better because that feeling is a no for me an once I get that feeling that's when my gun or knife gets pulled out an no one will like what happens afterwards to them.

Getting into the car Layla hands me a coffee drink an chips "Thanks" saying while leaning over kissing her cheek as she acts dramatically placing her hand on her chest "Welcome" she says as me an Joy laugh at her act while pulling out the gas station getting back on the main road glancing in the rear view mirror noticing Vincenzo's car is not that far behind us out of no where a motorbike comes flying past us trying to cut us off "FUCKER" both Layla an Joy yell out the windows as I grip my hands on the steering wheel controlling my car as that same eerie feeling runs down my spine once again like it did in the store at the gas station,while speeding down the road thinking about what my uncle Knoxs has always told me when I was kid 'trust your instincts it's never wrong' and everything in me right now is screaming trouble is coming be ready for it clenching my jaw a little seems like everytime we take a step forward towards the truth something or someone has to come in and try to stop us but not anymore I'll be damned if somebody tries to stop us again we've already proven that we know to control ourselves and I dare anyone else to try and get in our way especially mine.

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