F I F T Y- S E V E N. Fierce Queen

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"Bambina" he says wrapping his arms around me while I'm fixing my hair glaring at him through the mirror he chuckles thinking it's funny nodding my head slowly elbowing him in his abs just makes him laugh even more sighing he kisses my cheek repeatedly causing me to giggle pulling out of his arms he looks at me sideways like I've lost my damn mind "Coffee!" saying walking towards the door swaying my hips hearing him groan while I open the door leaving him behind smiling walking down the hallway luckily this house has only one floor with at least 12 rooms I believe yet it's absolutely stunning, walking around the corner seeing my father Ray which is still a shock to me making coffee along with breakfast giggling he turns around an sees me waving at him nervously he smiles before turning his attention back to whatever he's making all of us breakfast honestly I don't know why I'm so nervous he's my father for fuck sakes I just need to push it to the side an have conversation with him I want to know about my mom too maybe he can tell me something about her.

Before I could open my mouth to say anything to him everyone walks into the kitchen sighing looking down at ground "Morning" Layla says hugging me "Morning" saying feeling irritated at myself for not speaking up before they all came in here shaking my head grabbing a cup out of the cupboard to get myself a cup of coffee maybe that will help me feel less scattered brain taking a long sip of my coffee looking around seeing everybody pretty much enjoying the moment yet I feel a little incomplete, sighing placing my cup on the counter seeing my uncle Knoxs watching me closely which catchs the attention of my father feeling a little intimidated by their gaze that they have on me shaking my head walking to the back door to some well-needed air feeling the cool breeze hit my face helps me calm down instantly leaning on the banister looking out to the big open field to ease my mind a little yet I still have a few questions that need answering.

"You look just like her" Hearing my father Ray voices from behind me causing me to turn around.

"I wouldn't know only picture I've ever seen of her was the picture they sent me of her with multiple gunshot wounds" Saying looking down at the ground trying to forget that image.

"Forget that image they did it to scare you, and here you are still. You have her features but you got my eyes in my hair I'm so sorry for that, your mother was fierce a force to be reckoned with but she was also loving and caring. Kind of like you are but you also have some qualities of me that I've noticed even though I didn't know you were my daughter, stubborn an hard-headed and got a hell of a mouth on you just like I do" My father Ray says shaking his head leaning on the banister.

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