F I F T Y - T H R E E. His Angel

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Leaning my head on Arturo's arm being hypnotized but how the flames are dancing in the fire gracefully yet cause so much destruction sighing looking down seeing our sweet boy soprano curled up into a ball in my lap smiling rubbing his head "Layla" hearing him say my name causes my heart to flutter like wings looking up seeing him smiling giggling he wraps his arm around me as he fingertips softly massaging my side hearing Joy bursting into a fit of laughter causing us to look over an see what she's laughing at, we both start laughing seeing his uncle Leo face covered in cake while my own uncle grins as if he was victorious then it hit me these two decided they were going to start a food fight and his uncle Leo failed and mine triumphy won shaking my head slowly while Arturo laughs until he gets hit in the face with cake causing him to stop laughing all together.

Arturo stands up slowly leaning back I know what's about to happen he picks up a plate with cake on it and tosses it hitting Damien in his face covering my mouth as giggles escape through my fingers Arturo grins devilishly before we all knew it cake was being tossed everywhere literally hitting everyone no one is safe the moment is very enjoyable as everybody laughs trying to dodge being hit by cake me and Aurora duck behind the chairs as we see Joy using her own father as a human shield we both shake our heads in total disbelief , "Layla Aurora" we both hear Arturo an Vincenzo calling our names from behind us we glance at each other praying they don't don't find us because we have enough cake when is as it is bitting my lip grabbing Aurora hand tightly we both sit there waiting for the impact of cake being smashed on us but nothing comes until we see Ray standing an her uncle Knoxs standing in front of us shaking our heads 'no' they both wink at us her uncle Knoxs tosses a stick to the other side of the yard "Over there" Ray yells as we hear heavy footsteps running away from where we're hiding.

"Go" Aurora says as we run behind her uncle Knoxs an her father Ray which honestly we're all still trying to get use to him being her father but I'm happy for her "Layla!" hearing Arturo yelling my name causing me to jump a little Aurora gives me her 'don't' look sighing slowly moving my head seeing Arturo looking around for me guilt kicks in "Arturo" saying stepping from behind her uncle Knoxs bitting my lip nervously watching him look over at me as a wave of relief wash over his face knowing I'm okay until glares at me , "Angel" he says dangerously low smiling slowly moving away as his eyes watch my every movement like a predator would making a run for it hearing his foot steps not far behind me gasping as he pulls me back so fast "Ouch" saying felling a pain shot up my side and abdomen area which is odd but my cramps have always been strange he steps in front of me looking at me concerned waving it off like it's nothing he raises his eyebrow sighing cursing myself because I should know better than to lie to him he always knows when something's wrong with me at least.

"You okay Angel? Is it your cramps? Do need me to get you a Tylenol 3? Or something?" He asks looking at me like I'm fragile or something but it's sweet of him.

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