Ch 21. Stopping Time

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"Just didn't want to be so mean to her..." he mumbled. 

I chuckled. "You kidding me? That was pretty harsh even for a girl like her." I laughed but he seemed bothered by it even though she deserved it. 

"I don't like being mean to girls..." he mumbled. I patted his shoulder and noticed how people started to move to class.  

"It's fine, she deserved it, you know!" I told him. "And if you dislike it, why didn't you just shut up?"

He looked sad and I couldn't help feeling the same. How his face looked like was all I had to figure out because I couldn't read his aura. "She treated you like shit so I snapped." he mumbled and at first I didn't hear at all but my brain had recorded his voice so after replaying it some times I understood what he said. I just stood there smiling like an idiot.

"Hola sexy babe." someone whispered into my ear and I couldn't help to shiver a bit, but then I noticed that it was a girl's voice. Could it be...? I looked back and saw that familiar face. 

"Roxannah!!!" I cried out and she squealed my name back and we stood there all excited like maniacs. 

"God you look so hot!" she told me when we had finally calmed down. 

"Stop it Roxannah, it's only because of you, what are you doing here?" I asked her and looked at her perfect clean hair and her big eyes.

"I go here!" she said and I froze and then melted down almost immediately. She went to my school! She was one of the reasons I had ended up at that spot. 

"Roxannah, what are you doing here...?" Zach butted in suddenly, taking his stance right in front if me pushing me back. I stepped to the side and looked at them. What? They know each other?

Roxannah had shocked eyes, looking at Zach and she looked panicked. "Uh..." she mumbled, looking away and then at me. 

"You know Zach?" I asked her when we got eye-contact. She cut off the contact immediately after hearing my words and glued her gaze on the floor.

"Yeah..." she mumbled again. Why didn't she tell me? Or wait... She did mention that she went to Kandred to chase after her ex. Wait. Ex. Ex. Zach is Roxannah's ex. Roxannah is Zach's ex. They are exes. I looked at the both of them, staring intensively at each other. Roxannah's gaze was filled with love while Zach's was all about concern and compared to her, he wasn't happy to see her. Bad break-up?

Zach looked at me suddenly with a fierce look. "We are-"

"Exes." I finished his own line. "Ex's. Exes. Exess. However you say it." I mumbled all confused. Ex's? Exes? My own English grammar had fallen down to that level. I didn't know what to think. It felt like the world was small enough to have such big coincidences. Why was I even so freaked out about it? It was fine if they were together. That was the past. Not anymore. So take it easy.

"You're exes!!!" I yelled out. Luckily, no one was around anymore and had all left for class. They both jumped a bit of my sudden reaction. "Oh my god, I can't believe how it was always Zach that you were talking about!" I said, looking at Roxannah and she didn't even know what to say.

"Audree-" Zach tried to interrupt me, but I was on the roller coaster already, and once you started, you couldn't get off until the end.

"Right!" I yelled out. "It really makes sense, you know! You two are exes, so when I met Roxannah she was always talking about you Zach-" Note that I was jumping around him while saying it. "And Zach had always been so mysterious because he wanted to hide the fact about it! You're ex's! Exes! Exes, ex's, exs, exis, exxess, excess, oh my god when you say ex too much it get's all messed up." I blabbered around with the two of them trying to stop me several times but failed. I had replayed the scene in my head and realized how awkward I was. What the hell was I doing?

I took some steps back, realizing my stupid actions. I looked like a freak. I wanted to disappear. "Audree...?" Roxannah kept calling my name, as if she was confirming if I was okay. Why wouldn't I be okay?

"What's up?" I asked her with a big surprising smile. Why was I suddenly smiling? I didn't even get myself. She looked away at Zach.

"Why are you here?" he mumbled, trying to make me not hear it. I had super ears, I could hear everything.

"You know why." she sighed. "I'm here for you." It was like time stopped for me, just standing there when everything around me still moved. I could see and hear everything they were saying. I could do everything except of moving myself from that spot my feet had gotten glued onto the floor.

"Why can't you ever listen to me?!" he started arguing. Roxannah was seriously mad and I saw mad wrinkles all over her face. 

"You know that I'm here for you! Why can't you ever accept my feelings?!"

I couldn't just stay there. I didn't want to be there. Why did my feet feel so heavy? Why did my head feel so dizzy? Why did my heart feel so dark? I had no answers. All I could do was to force my feet off the glue under my shoes. Throwing up the door. And escape.


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COMMOTE BABEZ!!! because it's better than vomment. Which is vomit.




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