Chapter 114

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~ Jasmine's POV ~

We turned off the water, Grayson opened the shower door, I walked out first, and Grayson spanked my left ass cheek.

I stopped, turned around, looked at him and said " You better stop spanking my ass or else I'll get a bruise. "

" I won't give you a bruise. "

" If you keep spanking my ass, you will. "

" I'm sorry baby. " He gave my forehead a kiss.

I grabbed my towel, he walked out of the shower, closed the door behind him, grabbed his towel, we dried our bodies and hair.

Once we are all dried up, I looked in the mirror and let out a gasp.

" What's wrong baby? "

" I look like a leopard. " I put my hands on my mouth.

I have hickies everywhere! On my neck, chest, stomach, and inner thighs.

" I do too and you don't see me complaining. " 

I gave Grayson a look and he said " Let me put some soothing gel on your ass. "

I let out a sigh and said " Fine. "

He put on his boxers, I put on my sports bra, he sat down on my vanity chair, and I bend over his lap.

I felt the gel on my right ass cheek, he gently rubbed it around and making sure to get some on my left ass cheek.

" There, all done. Once we finish getting ready, we can do anything you want. "

" You don't have to. " I said getting off his lap.

" I want too, I love spoiling my baby. "

I smiled and said " I love you. "

He smiled back and said " I love you more."

I put on my thong, Grayson and I put on some lotion on our bodies, and put on our clothes.

We do our routine, walked out of the bathroom to my room, we changed the bed sheets, after that we walk out of my bedroom to the living room.

Hazel is playing with her toy, when she saw us, she dropped her toy, grabbed her ball, and ran over to us. Sit down, dropped the ball in front of her and Grayson said " You wanna play ball Hazel? " 

Hazel barked, wagged her tail, Grayson bend down, grabbed the ball and said " Alright let's go play. "

We walked to the backyard and played fetch with Hazel.


We are done playing fetch with Hazel, we are in the kitchen cooking.

" Oh I almost forgot. "

Grayson turned to face me and said " What baby? "

I walked over to my list, grabbed my pen and check off " Teach Grayson how to dance "

" I forgot to check off teaching you how to dance. "

Grayson nods his head and I continue to do my part of the cooking.


We are done eating, it was so good, Grayson washed the dishes, I am sitting down on the couch with Hazel on my lap, I have the TV on and I have my favorite movie on.

I pet Hazel, she wagged her tail, Grayson sat down next to me, he grabbed my legs, and laid them down on his lap.

Hazel got comfortable on the love sack that is on the floor, Grayson run his thumb up and down my left knee, I looked at him and he said " I don't want to leave you here by yourself. "

" I'm not going to be alone. I have Hazel with me. "

He let out a sigh, he took my legs off his lap, wrapped his arms around me, and leaned his face on my chest.

I smiled, my right hand played with his hair and he said " I don't like you being here alone. "

" I'll be fine babe. I promise. "

" I'm still going to check up on you. "

" That's fine. I don't mind. "

" I don't want to leave. "

" Your parents are coming tomorrow, you need to spend time with them. "

" I know. " He looked up at me and said " Have I ever told you how much I love you? "

I smiled and said " Yes all the time. "

" I love you so much. "

" I love you more. "

He pulled away from me, leaned in, and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, we both pulled away, I snuggled up against his chest and we watched the movie.


The movie is over and it is time for Grayson to go home. He's going to pick up his parents from the airport early in the morning.

Grayson is hugging Hazel and said " I'm going to miss you Hazel. "

" You're still going to see her Grayson. It's not like you're not going to see her again. "

" I know, but it's going to be a long time. "

" She's not going anywhere Gray. "

He let out a sigh and said " Okay. "

He put Hazel down, walked over to me, wrapped his arms around me my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck. We both leaned in, kissed each other on the lips, and we both pulled away.

He lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso, we both hugged and he said " I love you. "

" I love you more amor. "

He put me down, give me one last kiss before leaving the house, I stand by the door, and looked at Grayson walked to his Porsche. He turned to look at me, I waved at him, he ran over to me, cupped my face and kissed my lips.

I kissed him back, we both pulled away from the kiss, he gave my forehead a kiss, gave me a hug, I hugged him back and said " Please drive safely. "

" I will. "

He walked over to his Porsche, opened the door, stepped in, waved at me, and I waved back at him. He drove off, I walked inside the house, locked the door behind me, and walked over to the living room.

Sat down on the couch, Hazel laid down on my lap, I pet her, changed the movie and watched it.

~ Grayson's POV ~

I arrived at home, send Jasmine a text telling her that I arrivee home safely and wished her a good night.

I shouted " E! "

" In my room! " Ethan shouted back.

I walked over to his bedroom, saw him sitting down on his office chair playing Fortnite.

" Hey Gray. "

" Hey E. " I sat down on his bed.

He paused the game, turned to look and me and said " So, how was your time with Jasmine? You had fun? I can tell, by all those hickies she gave you. "

I felt my face turn red and said " Shut up Ethan. "

He laughed, turned to his computer and un-pause the game.

" I'm going to my room. "

" Alright, good night. "

" Good night. "

I walked to my room, closed the door behind me, walked over to my nightstand, and charged my phone. Walked over to my closet, changed out of my clothes into my boxers.

I walk to my bathroom, do my night routine, walked over to my bed, laid down, and pulled the blankets on my body.

It feels lonely without Jasmine. I grabbed Jasmine's pillow, it smells like her, I cuddled it pretending that it's my baby.

Words: 1,181

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