Chapter 90

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February 10, 2020
2:10 pm

~ Jasmine's POV ~

School is out, I walked to the schools parking lot, stepped in my car, and I am on my way to the Dolan household.


I arrived at the Dolan household, walked to Grayson's bedroom, and sat down on his office chair. Set down my backpack, do my homework, once I'm done I laid down in bed to take a nap.


~ Grayson's POV ~

I am done working out, I got my phone out and saw the time.

Isn't Jasmine supposed to be here?

I walked out of the home gym, the house seems quiet.

Did she came?

I walked around to the kitchen, she's not here, walked to the living room, she's not there either.

I walked straight to my room, I saw her Jeep from the corner of my eye as I passed the front door.

She's here. But where is she?

I walked in my room, closed the door behind me, and saw her sleeping in my bed.

Why didn't she tell me that she's here? Maybe she just walked in the house and went straight to bed?

I walked to the nightstand, charged my phone, set my phone down on the nightstand, and walked to the bathroom to do my routine.


I walked out of the bathroom, Jasmine is still sleeping, I walked up to her, and lightly shooked her. She groaned, slowly opened her eyes, closed them back and said " Let me sleep babe. "

" I'm not letting you sleep all day. Come on. "

" No. "

" I'll buy you pizza. "

She quickly got up and said " I'm up. "

I chuckled and said " I'm going to order it, the usual? "

" Yes please. I love you. "

" I love you more Angel. "

Jasmine walked up to me, wrapped her arms around me and said " Why do I have to get it. It's so painful. "

I wrapped my arms around her and said " I'm sorry baby. I wish I can take the pain away. "

I kissed her forehead and she said " I'm going to take a shower. "

" Okay, I'll order your pizza. "

" Thank you. "

" You're welcome. "

Jasmine walked to the bathroom and closed it behind her.

I walked up to the nightstand, grabbed my phone and order her pizza.

~ Jasmine's POV ~

I walked out of the bathroom wearing comfortable clothing, got out my phone from my backpack, and do finishing touches on my essay using Grayson's computer. 

~ Grayson's POV ~

I am sitting down on the couch watching TV, waiting for Jasmine and the pizza to arrive.

The front door unlocked and opened, footsteps walked to the living room, Ethan looked at me and said " Hey Gray. "

" Hey E. "

He sat down on the couch and said " Where's Jasmine? "

" Taking a shower. "

He nods his head and said " Is she in pain? "

" Yeah, when she got here she fell asleep on my bed while I was in the gym. "

" She didn't even say hi to you? "

" No, she just walked in the house and went straight to bed. I was worried because she always says hi when she comes over. "

" Yeah, have you ever experienced her moods? "

" No, * Shooked head * Robert and Briana said that she's crazy. I don't see it when she's around me. "

He nods his head, the doorbell rang, I got up from the couch, walked to the front door, and opened it. Greeted the pizza guy, paid the pizzas, grabbed the boxes, and thanked the guy.

He walked away, I locked the door, walked to the living room, and set down the pizza boxes on the coffee table.

" Oooo you got me pizza." Ethan said.

" One of the boxes is for you, one box is mine and the other box is Jasmine's. "

Ethan nods his head and said " Is mine dair-"

" Yes. "

" Alright, I'm going to get the plates and napkins. " Ethan got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.

I walked over to my room, saw Jasmine typing her essay on my computer and I said " The pizzas here babe. "

She nod her head and said " Is it okay if I print out my essay? "

" Sure. You don't have to ask."

" Okay. "

She printed her essay, after she is done, she put her essay in her folder, took the flash drive out, and put them in her backpack. She turned off the computer, and we walked out of my bedroom to the living room.

" Hey Jas, how you feeling? " Ethan said and eat his pizza.

" In pain. "

" I'll get you some pain killers. " I said and walked to the medicine cabinet.

I grabbed her pain killers, took two pills, and put the bottle back in the medicine cabinet. Grabbed a water bottle, walked back to the living room, and gave Jasmine the pills.

She thanked me, put the pills in her mouth, and swallowed it with the water. We sat down on the couch, Jasmine looked at the boxes and said " Which one is mine. "

" The one in the middle. "

Out of the sudden... She starts to cry.

Why is she crying?! Is it something I said?!

Ethan and I looked at her worried, he looked at me and mouthed " What did you do? "

I mouthed back " I didn't do anything. "

Jasmine wiped her tears with the sleeve of her hoddie, she looked at me and said " You really do love me. "

She wrapped her arms around me, rest her head on my chest and continue to cry. I wrapped my arms around her, looked at Ethan in confusion, he shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat his pizza.

" Of course I love you, more than anything. "

" I love you too. " She sob.

I pulled away and said softly " Hey, hey, look at me. "

She pulled away from my chest, looked at me, I cupped her face with my hands, and wiped her tears with my thumbs and said " No more crying okay? "

She nod her head and I said " The pain killers would take away the pain, after you finish eating I'll give you hesting pad okay? "

She nods her head and said " Okay. "

I kissed her forehead and said " Come on let's eat before our pizzas get cold. "

She nods her head, grab a plate, opened the pizza box, grabbed a slice and eat her pizza.

My poor baby..

Words: 1,055

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