Chapter 89

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~ Jasmine's POV ~

We got out of the shower after another round, dried ourselves, and changed into our outfits.

We do our skin care routine, he lift me up, sit me down on the counter, and he get started on doing my skin care routine.


He is done with my skin care routine, I wrapped my arms around him, and give him a hug.

Grayson he hugged me back and I said " I love you. "

He smiled at me and said " I love you more beautiful. "

We both pulled away from the hug, he cupped my face, leaned in, and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, wrapped my arms around his neck, and his arms wrapped around my waist.

We both pulled away from the kiss, he kissed my forehead, and put me down. We walked out of the bathroom to the bedroom, I helped Grayson with the bed and changed the sheets.

After we are done, we walked out of his bedroom to the kitchen, and Grayson walked to the fridge. We got out the ingredients and began to cook.


We are done cooking, I grabbed two plates, gave Grayson the plate, and he thanked me. We served ourselves, walked to the dining table, sat down, and begin to eat our food.


A few minutes later, we heard the door opened and closed, footsteps walked to the kitchen, and heard " Hey guys. "

Grayson and I turned to look at Ethan and said " Hey Ethan. "

Ethan gave me a hug, I hugged him back, we pulled away from the hug and Ethan said " How was Mexico? "

I smiled and said " It was really good. I had a lot of fun. "

" That's good. "

" There's food in the kitchen if you're hungry. "

" Alright. " He walked to the kitchen.

Grayson and I continued to eat, Ethan came back, sat down on the dining chair, he looked at me and said " I see Grayson gave you a welcome home gift. "

I felt my eyes turned red, Grayson looked at Ethan and said " Ethan! "

" What? " Ethan looked at Grayson.

I heard my phone ringing from the living room, I excused myself, got up from the dining chair and walked to the living room.

~ Grayson's POV ~

Once Jasmine left to the living room, I looked at Ethan and said " Not cool bro. "

Ethan put his hands up in surrender and said " I'm sorry. "

I shooked my head, Jasmine walked back to the dining table, and sat down on the dining chair.

I looked at her and said " Is everything okay? "

She nods her head and said " Yeah, it's just Victoria. She was just letting me know what gender her baby is. "

I nod my head and we continued to eat.


~ Jasmine's POV ~

We are done eating, I was about to wash the dishes until Grayson told me that Ethan is going to wash them.

Grayson and I walked to the living room, we sit down on the couch, and he turned on the tv. Go on Netflix, and choose a movie.

I groaned, he looked at me and said " You don't want to see that movie? I can change it if you want? "

I shooked my head and said " No, it's not that. It's just that tommorow is going to suck. "

Ethan walked to the couch and said " Why you don't want to go back to school? "

He sat down next to Grayson and I said " That and something else. "

I'm getting my period tomorrow. This sucks.

Grayson gave me a hug and said " It's going to be okay, I'll buy you a lot of junk food. "

" Thank you babe. "

" You're welcome. "

" What's coming tomor- ohhh. Awww you poor thing.  * Looked at Grayson * you better take care of her. "

" I always do. " Grayson said and kiss my forehead.

Words: 634

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