Chapter 71

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December 31, 2019


12:20 pm

~ Jasmine's POV ~

It is time to get ready for the party, I do my routine and walked out of the bathroom wearing this:

It is time to get ready for the party, I do my routine and walked out of the bathroom wearing this:

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I put on my jewlery, grabbed my phone and walked out of my bedroom to the living room.

We are having the New Year's Eve party here in our house. Robert invited everyone in the family and the twins.

I walked over to Diane and said " I love you dress. "

She smiled at me and said " Thank you. I love yours too. "

I smiled back and said " Thank you, * Set hand on her stomach * happy new years eve baby. "

Diane smiled and we heard " Auntie Jassy! "

I turned around, moved my hand away from Diane's stomach, smiled when I saw Marie.

" Hi Marie! "

I squat down, gave her a hug, she hugged me back and said " You look pretty. "

" Thank you, you look beautiful. "

We pulled away from the hug, she smiled at me and said " Thank you, I picked out my dress. I love it! "

She twirled, I smiled and Diane said " You look like a beautiful princess. "

Marie smiled at Diane and said " Thank you, * Set her hand on Diane's stomach * hi baby. "

Marie moved her hand away from Diane's stomach, looked at me and said " Is Grayson coming? "

I nod my head and said " Yes, he's coming. "

Marie nod her head, smiled and said " Great! I can't wait to see him. "


Everyone showed up and they are having a good time. Diane and I are at the kitchen with my Mom and grandmas.

Diane and I are doing the finishing touches on the cake, I felt arms around my waist, and I turned around to see Grayson.

" Hello gorgeous. " He smiled.

I smiled back and said " Hello handsome. "

Grayson greeted my Mom and grandma's and we heard " Grayson!! "

We turned around, saw Marie, she smiled and said " You came! "

Grayson smiled back and said " Hi Marie, of course I came. "

Marie walked over to him, gave him a hug, he hugged her back, lift her up and set her on his hip. They pulled away from the hug, she looked at me and said " Auntie Jassy, is the cake ready yet? " 

" No, not yet. "

" Awww. " She pouted.

" Come on Marie, let's go on the trampoline. " Grayson said.

Marie's eyes light up and she said " Okay! Let's go! "

Grayson and Marie walked out of the kitchen to the backyard. Mom chuckled and said to me " She really loves Grayson. "

I nod my head and said " Yeah, she really does. She calls him her " bestie " it is so cute. "


We are all here eating, Marie is sitting next to Grayson on his left and I am on his right. Marie was telling Grayson about her trip to the cabin and how she made a snowman for the first time.

" ... And then we did snowballs! It was so fun! Then my Daddy and Mommy were having a snowball fight and I was the doing snow Angels. "

" You had a good time, didn't you Marie? " Britney said.

Marie nod her head, smiled and said " Lots of fun! "


It is almost midnight, Grayson and I are laying down on the trampoline, and looking at the stars. Everyone is inside the house.

Grayson looked at me and said " Before the countdown, I want to kiss you. I want to have my last kiss on 2019 and a first kiss on 2020."

I smiled at him and said " Okay, I like the sound of that. "

A few minutes later, everyone started to count:

" 10 "

" 9 "

Grayson cup my face, leaned in, kiss my lips, I kissed him back and we are having a make out session.

" 5 "

" 4 "

" 3 "

" 2 "

" 1 "

" HAPPY NEW YEAR!! " Everyone shouted inside the house.

The fireworks gone off and spark in the sky. Grayson and I pulled away and he said " Happy New year Angel. "

I smiled and said " Happy New year amor. "

We both leaned in again, kissed, pulled away, and saw that everyone is going outside. My uncles are lighting up the fireworks and we watched the show.

Words: 693

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