Chapter Thirty One

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In the waiting area of the airport, the first people I saw were my parents. Mom was giggling at something my dad said and I couldn't help but allow a swell of joy to overcome my heart. I hadn't seen them together ever, but now somehow they had managed to be together just to welcome me home. I dropped my bag and sprinted over to them, smacking them hard. Mom laughed and Dad joined in and they both held and hugged me with what seemed to be their dear life.

"Lauren, your hair!" my mother exclaimed reaching out and fingering my unruly straight hair adorned with navy highlights.

Dad laughed, "Will your school allow such bright colors?"

I laughed and soon after the rest caught up to us. Pattie shared a long hearty hug with my mom, Elise was giving my dad a high five and Justin was beside her, fist bumping with my dad. We were finally home and I couldn't be happier. The only downside was that I had school bright and early tomorrow morning.


The entire duration of school the next day had been horribly annoying. From the time I pushed through the entrance doors, I was greeted with that stare. Not sure if I could actually explain it seeing that there was absolutely no way of explaining it. It was sort of a surprised stare, there, I actually explained it. Really I deserve like an award or something..

Nonetheless, I avoided staring back and managed to look straight ahead. I was never used to this kind of attention. Elise walked beside me, full on staring or should I say-glaring- at the people who shoved themselves together in little cliques just to whisper or laugh. Some were affected by her evil eye, but some bold ones stared right back at me, forming laser holes through every part of my body that could have been analyzed for some sort of reaction.

I guess this sort of reaction should have been expected since my face was unknown and just about vanished from the school grounds for a total of three months. Not to mention, my face must have been plastered on the covers of magazines, videos with me dancing for Justin Bieber's tour must have been circulating YouTube and let's just say, my school mates weren't past eighty; they had to have some sort of connection to the Internet.

I cradled my AP Calculus text book tighter in my arms and strolled to my locker, spinning in the excruciatingly complicated combo, piling my messenger's bag in. Elise took that time to lean against the locker beside mine.

"Five. . . . four. . . . three. . two. . one." she counted down, her tone dry.

I was a bit confused about the random countdown but my thoughts were cleared when a high pitched giggle ensued way too close to where we were standing.

"Lauren. . . Is it true that you and Justin are together and that you performed on his tour?!" Zoe demanded sauntering over to me. I hadn't seen her in so long, I wasn't even quite aware of the vibrant orange highlights applied to her hair. So definitely no teacher could tell me about my dark blue highlights. Behind her stood two of my other friends I rarely got the time to talk to; Lexie and Michelle.

I began rearranging my paper filled locker. I know, shame that it was this messy. Slowly, I looked up when Zoe spoke and had to take a second take when I caught sight of her orange streaks. Behind her stood Lexie and Michelle, excitement bubbling in their eyes.

"Well hello to you to." I replied, rolling my eyes playfully. It took them only a second for all of them to pull me into a rushed disoriented group hug.

When they pulled away, all of them began speaking at the exact time, all quickly, confusing the heck out of me. Well, since I have a brain, I made out some sentences and boy was it amusing.

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