Chapter 63

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We then headed to bed. I don't know how much sleep I am going to get tonight. I have to much going throw my mind now.

When the next morning came. I got ready for the day. I headed downstairs to see Jane ready to go. I am happy she isn't like other women who take forever. She knows how important this is. We had a quick breakfast with our family and then my father got the carriage pulled up front.

"Be careful my daughters." Our father said to us.

"We will. You be safe as well." I told him.

We then were off towards Netherfield. I have all these situations going throw my mind. I wonder what was so important that he needed to see right away. It worried me. I could tell Jane know I was worried.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." She told me.

"Jane, it could be anything. I am right now thinking about the worse." I told her.

"Don't Lizzie. This could be anything. Even something good. Maybe it's about the wedding he wants your input on it." She told me.

"Won't he have put that in the letter." I said.

I then pulled the letter out of the pocket in my jacket. I gave it to Jane to look at. Maybe she can figure out what it might mean. I am at a lose on what he needs to talk about. All I know is that it's important.

"Well, the letter does say it's anything bad. So, everything could be alright. Just keep an open mind. Everything could be alright." Jane told me.

Jane always tries to look for the bright side of everything. I wish I could be more like that. But right now, I can't. It could be anything. I don't have a good feeling about it.

"You always look for the bright side of everything. I wish I had that right now." I said.

We then rolled up to Netherfield. The coachman helped Jane and I out. We went to the front. One of the servient let us in. They then took us to where everyone was at. I hope Darcy is wake right now.

"Ms. Jane Bennet and Ms. Elizabeth Bennet is here." We heard the servient say.

*Darcy's POV*

I was in the dining hall with Charles and his sisters. I sat far away from Caroline as I could. We were just eating in silences. Just then a servient came in and said,

"Ms. Jane Bennet and Ms. Elizabeth Bennet is here."

"What are they doing here?" Caroline asked.

"They are here because I called on Elizabeth last night." I said getting up from my chair.

I am not surprised that Jane came with her. It is better to fight in pairs. Her sister probably came to be support for Elizabeth. I didn't really give detail for why I need to talk to her so quickly. But how could I put those things in words without upsetting her.

I went out to greet them. Charles was right behind me. Means so was is his sisters. They could be nosy. I then saw Jane and Elizabeth. She looks beautiful.

"Good morning Darcy, Charles, Caroline, and Louisa." Jane said.

"Good morning Jane and Elizabeth." Charles said to them.

I looked over to Elizabeth. She looked at me worried. She knows something is up. I went over to her. I gave her my arm. I then said,

"Let's take a walk."

I then lead her away from the others. I wanted to take her somewhere we can talk alone. I still don't know how I am going to tell her everything.

*Elizabeth's POV*

"Darcy, please just tell me. What is wrong?" I asked him.

"Please sit. I have a few things to tell you." He told me.

"What is going on?" She asked taking a seat.

"Well, let me start with I love you. No one will change that. Caroline came to my room last tonight. But nothing happened. I just didn't want to hide anything. That's why we need to talk about more serious." He told me.

"What is that? Except me wanting to kill Caroline." I told him truthfully.

"I am needed in the front. The zombies are over taking London. I leave tonight." He told me.

I thought of the worse. The worse was what it was. He was needed back in the fight. I was scared of losing him. I might lose him now. I don't know what to say.

"Go. Be safe and come back safe." I told him.

"I know you were going to say that. I am sorry this was the away I had to tell you. I wish we had more time. But..." He was saying.

"But they need you. So, go. I will keep your sister safe. Don't worry." I told him.

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