Chapter 62

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I was right everyone was already in bed. When I got to my room something seemed off. I opened my door to see Caroline was sitting there on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Waiting for you." She said.

"Caroline, you need to go. You know you shouldn't be here." I told her.

She knows better. I am engaged man. Elizabeth would probably behead her if she finds out that Caroline was in my room with me alone. She knows that too. I stayed right at the door away waiting for her to leave.

"No, I don't. I know you want me here. You know it's right." She told me.

"Caroline, I am taken man. You know this. Please for your wellbeing and mine leave." I told her again.

"This engagement is nothing then a joke. You know it. I know you are just doing it out of pity. You don't have too." She said coming closer to me.

I stepped back and looked at her. This engagement isn't just a joke or out of pity. At first it was helping a good family. Even though I would never say that out loud back then. But now this engagement is because of love. I love Elizabeth and I hope she loves me.

"Caroline, this engagement isn't a joke. At first it was helping a family in need. But now things changed. I am in love with Elizabeth. She is the I am going to marry. So, you need to leave. You are not going to insult this marriage or my going to wife." I told her.

She looked at me surprised at me. I then lead her out of my room. I just headed to my desk I know I need to let Elizabeth know. But I don't know how to tell her. But she doesn't need to hear about it in a letter.

Dear Elizabeth,

I am asking you to come to Netherfield. I need to talk to you about something. Something important. Hope you can come.

Forever Yours,


I then saw that there was a letter on my desk for me. It was from the front. I opened it and read it. When I finished reading the letter, I don't know how to tell Elizabeth now. I really hope now she can come over. If not, I will go to her.

*Elizabeth's POV*

We were all getting ready for bed. Then there was a knock on the door. We all headed to main entry. My father opened the door. There was a messenger at the door. He gave my father the letter. He then left into the night.

"Who would be sending a letter at this time?" My mother asked annoyed.

"I have no idea. But it's for Elizabeth." My father said.

I took the letter and looked at it. I opened it to see it was from Darcy. I read it to myself.

"Who is it from Elizabeth?" My mother asked annoyed.

I didn't answer her. I looked over to my father and asked,

"Can I have the carriage for tomorrow morning? Jane can you join me?"

"Sure. But to where?" My father asked.

"Netherfield. Darcy needs to talk and it's important." I said.

"I will join you." Jane told me.

"Well, then we all should get some sleep. Mostly, you two." My father said.

We then headed to bed. I don't know how much sleep I am going to get tonight. I have to much going throw my mind now.

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