Chapter 33

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I know that Elizabeth was putting up in front of her. She was not going to give up that easy neither of them. I don't know what is going to happen? But I am ready for anything.

I was dinner time. We were all sitting at the table. It was a full house. I wasn't really listening to everyone's convications. I was mainly listening into my dear Aunt Catherine. I wanted to figure out what she was up to.

"My dear Georgianna. It has been so long since I saw you. How are you my dear?" She asked Georgianna.

"I am good." Georgianna answered.

"That's good. Mostly with all this change going on. How do you feel about all of this? It must be hard on you." Lady Catherine asked.

Georgianna looked at me. I gave her a nod. All I want from my sister is the truth. She knows that. She then said,

"I am okay with all this change. I am happy for my brother. He is happy. Elizabeth and her family will be a great addiction to our family. I can't wait to get to know her better."

My sister said the truth. I know it. I don't know what my aunt is doing but I will be putting a stop to it. I looked over to Elizabeth. She had this huge smile on her face. She really liked what my sister said.

"Yes. That is good. But we all know Elizabeth could never replace your mother. But these hope she can be a good role model for you. You know I am always here for you if you someone." She said with a smile.

Then I saw Elizabeth smile go away. My aunt is really trying to hurt her. I will not have for it. I then said,

"Elizabeth, will be a great role model for Georgianna. There is no if, ands, buts about it."

"I am just saying Darcy." She said to me.

*Elizabeth's POV*

Okay, after that I had enough. Lady Catherine doesn't know anything about me. It is time for me to stand up from myself. I then said,

"I am not trying to replace her mother. But I am going to be here for her when she needs someone. I will do my best to be a role model for her. But truth is no one is perfect. So, your lady ship has nothing to wory about."

Lady Catherine didn't have nothing to say. I looked over to everyone. They were shocked with what just happened. Everyone stopped talking to listen to our convartions. I then saw Darcy. He wasn't surprised or shocked. He was more proud then then anything. He had this huge grin on his face.

I just went back to eating like nothing happened. Then everyone esle did too. But they were whispering and everything. I don't care. I need to stand up from myself. That was what I did. After dinner everyone went and did their own thing. I just took a walk throw Persberly. I just need to get away from everyone for a moment.

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