Chapter 12

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We all got to the parlor. I could hear talking from inside. I know that voice. I opened the door to see my sister and Caroline sitting there.

"Darcy." My sister said running up to me and hugging me.

"Hello my sister." I said.

"Which on is she?" My sister asked me looking behind me at the Bennet girls.

"What are you talking about my dear sister?" I asked her.

"Which one is Elizabeth? Don't play silly with me my brother. I know everything." She told me.

"You do." I said looking over to Caroline.

"Hello. I shall be Elizabeth." Elizabeth said coming beside me.

"Oh my gosh. You are so pretty. I am so excited that we are going to be sisters. I always wanted sisters." Georgiana said.

*Elizabeth's POV*

I know this was not the way he wanted his sister to find out. But I wanted to try to ease the tension in the room.

"Why don't we all sit down?" I suggest.

"Yes." Darcy said. We all sat down. I sat by Darcy and Jane.

"So, Caroline what brings you here?" Darcy asked her.

"Just thought I come to visit your dear lovely sister here. I did miss her." She told him.

"How sweet of you." He said to her.

"So, how was trip to your aunt's place?" Caroline asked us.

"You went to see Lady Catherine?" Georgiana asked.

"Yes. She found out I was engaged. If it was up to me. I would have headed here first. We decided to get that out of the way." Darcy said.

"It went good." I told Caroline. I didn't need her to know the truth.

"So, how long are you guys going to stay?" Caroline asked.

I know Darcy was getting annoyed with these questions. She was just trying to figure stuff out.

"Don't know. We were think for a while. Darcy wants me to get use to and know of this place. Like he knows my home. Only fair." I told her with a smile.

"Yeah. I bet. You have the right to know your new home. You are going to be the mistress of the house." Caroline said giving me a slight smile back.

"This is a lovely place." My mother said. I think she was trying to change the topic.

"Thank-you. It is. I can't wait to show you guys around." Georgiana said most bouncing out of her seat.

"I should be going. Took up enough time of yours." Caroline said.

"Very well. It was nice seeing you again Caroline. Maybe our paths will cross some more in the future." I said to her.

"Yes. It probably might." She said.

"Let me walk you out." Darcy said getting up.

"Thank-you Darcy. Georgiana, don't forget to ask him about that one thing we talked about." Caroline said.

She then walked out the door with Darcy. I looked over to Georgiana confused. What does she have to ask Darcy.

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