Chapter 13

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She then walked out the door with Darcy. I looked over to Georgiana confused. What does she have to ask Darcy.

*Darcy's POV*

I walked with Caroline until I know no one could hear us talk. I then turned to her and asked,

"How dare you? You know that I wanted to surprise my sister. Why would even think about telling her?" I asked her pissed.

"She had the right to know. Also, I thought you told her in one of your letters." She told me.

"No. You know I didn't. I even said I was going to surprise her." I told her.

"Really? I must have not heard you right when you did." She said.

"Caroline, have a good day." I said. I then lead her to the door before she could say anything else. I left to return to the others.

*Elizabeth's POV*

Georgiana was a good host. Just then the door opened and Darcy had return. He looked at us. He then said,

"What about that tour? But first introduces."

"Don't worry Darcy. All ready token cared of." I told him with a smile.

"Okay. So, that tour then." He said.

"Yes. Also, you have some staff to talk too." Georgiana said getting up.

"Right. Then if you don't mind. Elizabeth, will you join me?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said getting up from my spot.

"Georgiana, you will give the rest of the Bennets a tour. We will catch up after afterwards." Darcy asked his sister.

"I would be honored too." She said.

We all then went our separate way. He took me to the kitchen where the staff was waiting. Suzy was standing there smiling big.

"Okay. I have important announcement. I know you guys know I have a surprise for you guys. I am getting married." Darcy said.

"Oh my gosh. How exciting." Suzy said.

"Yes. This is Ms. Elizabeth Bennet. She will be the one I am marrying. So, when we are staying here. I want her and family to get welcomed to this family with opened arms." Darcy said. Everyone was so happy and excited.

"We are going to make a special dinner tonight." Suzy said.

"Very well." Darcy said.

We then left to meet up with everyone else. We walked in silence. Then we caught up to everyone.

"I could tell the staff was happy." Georgiana said smiling.

"Thrilled." Darcy said.

We got showed around. Then they took us to our rooms. I was the last one to get to my room. Darcy opened the door. This room was beautiful.

"This room is beautiful." I told them.

"I am happy you love it." Darcy said.

"Also, my room is just two doors on the other side. Darcy is just two doors on this side." She told me.

"Thanks for letting me know." I said smiling at her.

"We will let you get comfortable then." Darcy said.

"Okay and thank-you." I said.

They then let me be. I looked around my room. My bags were already there and unpacked. I went to the closet. I see it was filled with dresses and clothes of my size. Some was already my own clothes and some was new. How did he figure that out?

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