Chapter 24

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I looked at everyone. I did as she said. I followed her. She took me to the back. It was her workshop. It was a very colorful place. She then started to look around. She looked over to me and then to the rack of dresses.

"Here it is." She said pulling out a dress.

She handed me a beautiful midnight blue dress. It was gorgeous. No one would deny it. I took it and asked,

"Are you sure? How much?"

"Yes. I am sure. It is one of kind. One will ever have one." She told me.

"Thank you. How much?" I asked.

"I have one question for you. The dresses you were buying. They were your families's dresses? Right?" She asked me.

"Yes. Truthfully, we don't have a lot of money. My soon to be husband gave me some money to buy them dresses." I told her truthfully.

"Don't worry about it." She told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

She smiled at me and said,

"I started this place on nothing. My husband supported me even before we were even together. He was born into money. But I never wanted any of it. He loved me for me. Even if I wasn't in the right ranking statues. He took me for me. Does your your soon to be husband do that?" She told me.

I thought about it. He does. He didn't want me to changed me for the statues or ranking he was in. I then said,

"Yes. He even is doing my family a big favor."

"It's yours. Think it as a gift." She told me smiling.

"Thank-you." I told her.

She then then put it in a bag so no one could see it. We then went back in the front to finish paying everything. She gave me all the dresses half off. She gave me a smile. I smiled at her and paid her. We then left.

"So, what does your dress look like?" Kitty asked trying to get a peek at it.

"You will see it at the ball." I told her swapping her hand away.

Caroline was just looking at me. She then said,

"She was sweet. She always has the best dresses there."

"Yeah. So many dresses. All beautiful." Lydia said.

We dropped Caroline and her sister at their places. Then we headed back to Pemberly. It was still a beautiful out. I might take a walk.

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