Chapter 29

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After everything was said and done. We all went our separate ways. But I now have questions. Why did they want her? Who is there their leaders. What is going on around here? I will get my answers somehow and some way.

*Elizabeth's POV*

I really don't know what I am going to do. Someone was out there wanting me. They deal with zombies. This is not right. Why me? Why now? I was walking down the hallway. I was heading to my room. I just wanted to sleep. I was tired. But before I could do that. I was stopped by my dear sisters. Jane then ran up to me and hugged me. My other sisters joined me.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked me.

"I am fine just tired." I told them.

"What did they want from you?" Lydia asked worried.

"I am not going to lie to you. They were not normal zombies. What they wanted with me was to take me to their leader." I told them truthfully.

"Why?" Mary asked confused.

"I have no idea. But I am tired. I will talk to you later." I told them.

"Very well. We will check on you later." Jane said.

I then walked away from my sisters. I just need some sleep. I just wanted to lay down and dream of something else.

*Darcy's POV*

I was in my study still. My old pals just joined me. I just got done pouring myself something to drink. I offered them something. But they didn't want anything. I then leaded against the fireplace.

"So?" Colonel Fitzwilliam asked me.

"So, what?" I asked.

"What are you going to do?" Joe asked me.

"I truly have no idea. I don't know who tried to take her. Whoever it was knows she is here. Not many knows we are here." I told them truthfully.

"You will figure it out. I know you will. Also, she is an excited fighter. She can take care of herself." My dear cousin Fitzwilliam said.

"Yes. I know. But I still worry for her safety." I told them truthfully.

"Then we will help watch her. Make sure she is never alone. Until more guest come. Then if whoever this is, is smart. They will not try anything." My cousin suggested.

I turned and looked at them. I could tell they all were willing to help. These men who were here now were good friends. But Charles will always be my closest and dear friend. I then said,

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