Chapter 39

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"Okay. Sweet dreams Elizabeth." Darcy said to me. I then headed to my room. I have a lot to think about. Also, figure out a few things.

*Darcy's POV*

I watched Elizabeth leave. My sister and cousin words were want I loved to here. Also, I think Elizabeth liked their words. I then headed to my study. I wanted a drink. My favorite ones were hidden there.

It has been a while since that day. We still had visits here. It was nice having the house full again. I am not use to it. But I think I have to get used to it if I am going to be married Elizabeth. I was hiding out in my study taking care a few things. I then heard a knock at my door.

"Enter." I said.

Then entered one of my servants. They then said,

"Letter for you sir."

I took the letter from her and said,

"Thank you."

She walked away. I went over to the fireplace and read the letter. It was from the King. He wants me at the front right away. How am I going to tell Elizabeth? I know she will not be happy about it.

*Elizabeth's POV*

I was walking around the grounds with Fitzwilliam. He was keeping me company. Mostly, after that one day. Either it is him or Darcy. Sometimes my sisters would join me. But after all that happened I was never alone.

"So, how have everything been for you?" He asked me.

"Everything has been good." I told him.

"I can tell. I have never seen Darcy so happy. You make him happy." He told me.

"You think?" I asked him.

"Yeah. After his father's death, he changed. I am now seeing the Darcy before all that coming back." He told me truthfully.

"Ms. Bennet, Mr. Darcy would like to see you in his study." A servant said to me.

"Very well." I said. I said my good bye to Fitzwilliam and then headed to Darcy's study.

I wonder what he wants. Is there something wrong? I hope everything is alright. I then got to his study. I knocked at the door. That was just the right thing to do. I then heard the noise on the other side. The door opened and standing there was Darcy.

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