Chapter 48

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We left the training room. I went to my room. Jane followed me. I know she wanted to talk. I know she wants to talk to me about Darcy. When I got to my room I see Georgianna waiting for me at my door. I opened my door and let them both come in.

"Who started that little fight?" Georgianna asked me.

I looked at her and smiled. I then said,


"I figured. My brother doesn't like to fight if he doesn't have too." She told me.

"You know we are going to have to talk about it." Jane said taking a seat. I went to take a seat at the window seal. Georgianna took a seat on my bed.

"About what?" I asked her. I know what she was talking about.

"You and Darcy. It seems like things have changed since you agreed to do this all." Jane said.

I looked at Jane to Georgianna. I don't know what Darcy told her. But I don't want to hurt her in any away. Then Georgianna said,

"Don't worry. I know the truth. Darcy told me. But I figured that would all change in good all time."

I couldn't help but smile at her about that. She was a smart girl. I then said,

"I happy you know the truth. I never wanted to hurt you."

"I know. But the question is now that I know Jane is wondering too is how do you feel about him now?" She asked me.

"Well, a lot has happened since I agreed to marry your brother. I know I don't hate him like I did once. I am still doing this for my family. But there is more to it now. I just don't know it all just yet." I told them.

"But there are feelings?" Jane asked.

"Yes. There are some feelings. Can we just keep this between us three until I figure it all out?" I asked them.

"Yes Lizzy. We can do that." Jane said.

"Just to let you know my brother always had feelings for you. He just never knows how to show it. Then he found out you were the one that he was going to marry he was never happier." Georgianna told me with a smile.

I looked at her and smiled back. I never know that. It kind of make since now. How he acted towards me and everything. He will always be a strange man to me. It was late so we all headed to bed. I didn't go bed right away. I pulled out a notebook I write in.

So, today was something new. A lot had happened today. But nothing bad. Everything that happened was good. I don't know where to start. So, let's just start at the beginning.

Darcy had some good news to tell me. So, I brought it up at dinner. He did tell us. He got the marriage law changed. Now married women can will fight if they want too. He did it for me and my sisters. I can't believe it.

The next thing that happened was that Darcy and I fought today. I did start it. I wanted to see if what everyone says is true. Trust me. They were right. He is amazing fighter. He did take me down. I know if it was anyone else it would be different. But with him I didn't get mad. But I know this. This will not be the last fight.

Lastly, Jane, Georgianna had a nice talk about Darcy and I. Darcy did tell his sister about the truth on why this marriage is happening. But you know what. I don't think so any more. Yes, I am doing this to help my family. But there is something different.

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