Chapter 20

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"I want to throw you and Darcy an announcement party for your engagement. Do you think you can talk Darcy into letting me?" She asked me.

"I will try. But not promising anything. You know how he is with parties and balls." I told her.

"Yeah, I know. That's why maybe you can talk to him." She said.

"What about this. We do it together. Show him that the forces are here." I told her.

"Okay. Sounds good." She said.

"Okay. After dinner, then." I said.

"Okay. Sounds good." She said.

It was later that day. I was in my room. I was writing a letter to Charlette. I was telling her about my stay here. As what happened at Rosing park. I can't wait to hear from her. I really do miss her. But it is nice being away from that place.

It was dinner. I was walking down the hallway when I meet up Georgiana. I smiled at her. We walked to the dining room. She then turned and asked,

"Do you think we can try and talk to about the thing now? More numbers better chance."

"Sure. We can try." I said.

We then went into the dining room. Darcy was already in there talking with my father. He looked over to me and Georgiana smiling.

*Darcy's POV*

I was talking with Mr. Bennet. I looked up to see my two important women in my live entering the room. I smiled to myself. They looked like they are getting along. Then dinner was served. It looked good.

"So, Darcy, Elizabeth and I have something to discuss with you." My sister said to me.

"Okay. That is?" I asked looking over to Elizabeth for a hint of what it is.

"Well, I want to throw you and Elizabeth an engagement announcement party." Georgiana said.

"That is okay with you Elizabeth?" I asked her.

"Yes. I think I would be fun. What do you think?" Elizabeth asked me.

"I don't know. Truly why do we need one?" I asked.

"So, everyone knows you are engaged and going to get married." Lydia said trying to help Georgiana.

"So, everyone who needs to know. Already knows. So, what is the party for?" I said.

*Elizabeth's POV*

I looked over to everyone. I know they really want this party. I then said,

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