Chapter 60

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When I got done getting changed, I went to find Darcy. I was wondering what he was doing here. He never gave word that he was coming for a visit. Good he is here. My mother then can talk his ear off about this wedding. I looked around for him. But I couldn't find him. There is one more place he would be. I went to my father's study. But what would he be doing in there?

I was just about to knock on the door when it opened revealing my father and Darcy. Looks like whatever they had talked about was over. I looked two the two guys and was now wondering what was going on. Does this have to do with that one thing?

"What's going on?" I asked them.

"Don't worry my dear. I will tell you later." Darcy told me.

"Oh gosh. Please don't call me that." I asked him.

"Why not?" He asked me.

I looked over to my father. He was trying not to laugh at this. He knows why I don't want to be called my dear. My father then said,

"It's because it's what I say to her mother. That is why. I mostly say it when her mother is annoyed with me or mad."

"Okay. Then what can I call you?" He asked me.

"I will think that over and get back to you. Now, are you going to tell me what you two have been talking about?" I asked them.

"Darcy, good you are here. There are a few things we need your point of view on for the wedding. Elizabeth has been very difficult with it. Maybe you can help." My mother said coming up behind me.

"I think Elizabeth just wanted to do this together and get my say too. I don't think she was trying to be difficult." Darcy told my mother.

I just shock my head and rolled my eyes. I wasn't trying to be difficult. It's just my mother is crazy. She becomes crazier when a wedding is involved. We then walked with my mom to talk about the wedding. But all I wanted to know is what was Darcy and my father talking about. Looks like I will be getting my answers later.

*Darcy's POV*

I know Elizabeth has be wondering what I was talking to her father about. I have been trying to get some time with her to tell her. But her mother has been keeping us busy with this wedding planning. I was standing there by the window looking out to the land.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I heard behind me. I looked over to see Jane standing there.

"I was just thinking everything over. The holidays are coming near, and I still don't know what to get her. Or any of you?" I told her truthfully.

"Elizabeth doesn't care about presents and all of that. I don't either. You have already given me the best gift. Her happiness." Jane told me.

"Thank you, Jane. But I really do want to get her something special. I just don't know what. I want to get you all something. There will be nothing to change my mind on that." I told her.

"I can tell there will be nothing I say to change your mind. But I will tell you this. Whatever you give her she will love and cherish." Jane told me.

"Thank you, Jane. I will remember that." I told her.

I went over to Elizabeth. She was sitting on one of the couches in the room with her mother. They were talking more about the wedding. I know we have been pushing it off for a while now. But I want to marry her when she is ready.

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