Chapter 45

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We then went back outside. We walked to the garden. We then sat down at the bench in the rose garden. I looked at her. She gave me a small smile. I will give her the good news later. Right now we need to talk about Whickham and everything.

"I know that we have to talk about Whickham and everything. But you said you have some good news. What is it?" She asked me.

"I will tell you later. Less just get this talk out of the away." I told her.

"Okay. But I will remind you later." She told me.

"Deal. I know you did everything in your power to keep him away from Georgianna. We both know he isn't done." I told her.

"I know. But I made it clear to him if her comes near any in this house he will regret it." She told me.

I couldn't help but smile about that. She make me so happy. I know she will keep up to her word. Whickham can't play her anymore. I then said,

"I know you would. If he comes around I will talk to him."

"Okay. But you are not going to give him any money. I will not let you. If he wants money send him to me and I will put an end to that." She told me.

She is thinking for the best of me. She learn quick about everything. When we got done talking about all that we went back inside. It was time for dinner. When we got inside there was Bingley and his sisters. Looks like they invited them to dinner.

We all sat down and around the table. It was a nice dinner. I know Bingley's sisters were trying their best behave. Mostly Caroline. She is keeping her mouth shut. We were talking about many things.

*Elizabeth's POV*

This was nice. Even if I can't stand Caroline at all. But right now she is being nice and understanding. But I can't think about much expect for what is Darcy's good news. I told him I was going to bring it back up.

"Darcy in your last letter you sent me. You told me you had some good news to tell. Can we finally get to know?" I asked him.

"Yes. I know it has been bugging you too know." He told me.

"You know her. It has been." Lydia told him.

"Oh hush Lydia. It hasn't been bugging me that much." I told them.

"Okay. Sure." Lydia said.

"So, what is the good new you have?" I asked ignoring my sister comment.

"Well, when I was down in London. I went and talked to the King. I got a big thing change for all of you. I got the...."

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