Chapter 14

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They then let me be. I looked around my room. My bags were already there and unpacked. I went to the closet. I see it was filled with dresses and clothes of my size. Some was already my own clothes and some new. How did he figure that out?

*Darcy's POV*

I then left Elizabeth alone to comfortable. I then went to my study. I was trying to figure out how I am going to tell her about Wickham.

I then heard a knock at the door. I then said,


One of my servants came in. They then said,

"Letter for you sir."

"Thanks." I said taking the letter. They left me be.

I turned the letter over to see it was from the king. What does he want? I haven't been home for more than an hour. He already wants to see me. I then read the letter. I was right. He wants to talk to me.

I then got word that dinner was ready. I went to the dining room. It was nice having the table almost full. I then went to the front of the table. I take my seat. But I am not like my aunt. I don't care why people sit.

"So, we are going to have a special dinner from my wonderful staff." I told them.

Then my staff brought out the plates and drinks for us all. I thanked them. They then left us.

"Well, these see what my staff had prepare for us." I said.

I then left my lid to see it was my one my favorites. I smiled to myself. We ate in silence. I then asked,

"What about we go to London tomorrow? The King needs to see me. So, I thought maybe you guys can go see London."

"Yes. We can go shopping." Georgiana said grinning huge.

"Yes. Can we?" Kitty asked our father.

"I don't see why don't. We can also look for dresses Elizabeth." My mother said.

I just let her words go in one ear and out the other. I really wasn't listening to her. I just ate, the diner was delicious.

Afterwards we all went own ways. My two youngest sisters went with Georgiana. Mary probably went to the library with my Papa. My mother was probably walking around and about. Jane and I went to take a walk around the place.

"This place is lovely. You must admit?" Jane said.

"Yes. Also, I must admit that Darcy is to generous." I told her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked me.

"My clothes in my room was filled with dresses and cloth. I know a few was my own but some was not." I told her.

"Wow. What a generous man. He only wants you to feel welcome and part of this all. He is treating you." Jane said smiling at me.

"Yes. I know. But he doesn't need too. I didn't need them." I said.

"He only wanted to surprise you and treat you to something nice." Jane said.

"I know." I said.

"You should find him and thanks him for them?" Jane suggested me.

"I will. You are sounding like mother almost but nicer." I said. We then both laughed about that.

We walked for a bit more until we came up to a room. The door was open. We looked in to see Darcy there. So, I knocked on the door. He looked up at us.

"Elizabeth, Jane come on in." He said.

We entered the room. I don't remember being shown this room on the tour. I then said,

"Thank-you for the clothes."

"Your welcome. I hope you like them." He said.

"Yes. They are all very lovely." I told him.

"Good." He said.

"This is a lovely room you have here Darcy." Jane said looking around.

"Yes. We didn't see this room on the tour." I said starting to look around. I can be nosey at points.

"Yes. That is my fault. This was my father's studies. Now my study." He told us.

I walked over to the bookshelves in the room. It was filled with books. Some I know and some I didn't.

"You have a nice collect of books I see." I said.

"Yes. These are my personal favorites." He told us.

"Looks like you and Lizzy have the same taste in reading." Jane said looking at the books.

"If you ever want to read one. Go ahead." He told me.

"Thank-you." I said.

That was sweet of him. But I was waiting for him to bring something up. Maybe he won't bring it up when Jane is here. I just wonder what he must talk about here and not anyway else.

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