Chapter 1: Introduction

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Elizabeth-Jane or Ellie Jane or sometimes just Ellie is twelve years old. She has six older brothers they are:  Chace who is twenty six,  Jesse and John ages twenty four, Luke age twenty two, Thomas or TJ age twenty one and William or Will age eighteen. She lives in a small town in northern New Hampshire with her brothers and mother and father; Nancy and Edward.

Ellie has short curly reddish to orange hair, she is only of four foot four and about eighty pounds. She has freckles all over her body. She is very musical and plays the piano and violen. but also loves the outdoors and is not afraid to get dirty. She loves playing basketball and soccer. Ellie is also a good artist and baker. He brothers say she is good at everything, but Ellie always gets mad at them for that. She is very creative, which gets her in trouble a lot of times.

Chace the oldest brother, went to Dartmouth, but nows lives in a small house with some friends, but he comes home very often. He is very tall and muscular, but has brown straight hair unlike Ellie. He works for the local newspaper as a writer, but hopes to one day work for the New York times, and eventually plans to move to New York. Ellie thinks he is nuts, because no who has lived in their small town every really leaves, at least for good. Chace is the only brother that does not live at home though.

Jesse and John are of course twins, they went to the local community college and now Jesse is working for the local police department and John owns his own landscaping business. Jesse is also tall and very muscular, considering the fact that he is a cop, he also has curly hair but it is brown. John once again is tall and muscular, but is a inch or so shorter than Jesse and is not as muscular. He has curly hair but it is more red than Jesse's. They both played basketball in high school, thats why Ellie loves it so much. They still play pick up games with other cops and guys in community.

Luke is the shortest of Ellie's brothers, but is still very tall. He is also the "weakest", but still muscular and big to Ellie. Ellie considers him the smart one. He had straight a's in high school, and over a 4.0. He is still going to Dartmouth, he is majoring in some doctor thing that Ellie doesn't even know what it is. He likes to run and exercise, but doesn't put it over his school work. He if often the one that solves everyone problems and prevents the bad things from happening. He lives at home to save money.

Next it Thomas or TJ. He is the other musican in the family. He has his own band called "The Kings and the Princess", TJ is often recruiting Ellie to play the piano or violen. TJ is the lead singer of the group and can play the guitar, the piano, and the bass. He is often in his room coming up with songs. He is going to school for music, his dream was to go to Juillard, but knew it would never happen with his grades, he is now going to communiy college for it, but is hoping he gets record deal, but for now he plays just local gigs and is just heard on the local radio. Edward though doesn't really like this idea. He is always telling him do something else in his life, but TJ doesn't listen. TJ looked the most like Ellie. He has curly strawberry blond hair, but is once again tall and muscular.

Finally there is Will who is senior in high school. He plays sports, but is also pretty smary and will probably end up going to Dartmouth. Lately though he has been saying that he doesn't want to go to school and go in the army. He has straight brown and hair and is somewhat tall and sorta muscualr. He plays soccer, basketball, and hockey. Nancy doesn't want to her son to go to the army, but Edward says its his decision.

Edward works in town locally as a real estate agent. Nancy is a professor at the local community college. They live in a big old farm house down a long dirt road, outside of the main drag of town. There is a barn in the back, but they just have chickens.

There also is the family dog, Tucker a yelllow lab. This is Ellie's best friends. Tucker follows Ellie everywhere. Ellie wouldn't know what to do with out Tucker.

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