Mind boggling match

Start from the beginning

She gasped. "Belikov? Seriously? My daughter? Your student?!"

"Hey! It's not all his fault!" I snapped at her.

"Rosemarie?" Ugh! I hated that name!

"I love him Mom. He's my everything, my other half, the reason I've changed." It was all true. He was also the reason I was pregnant and I was glad.

"I love her, it's true. She's just as much my other half, I can't live without her, I won't live without her."

"Belikov? Since when were you the lovesick, sappy romantic type?"

"Ask your daughter. She's just as lovesick and sappy."

"Dimitri! Not. Cool! We're badass'!"

"And completely oblivious to the rest of the world when it's just us."

"Ugh. You and your normal logic!"

He chuckled.

The door opened and Stan walked out, glaring at us.

"What?!" I snapped at him.

"It's true isn't it? You and Belikov, I heard you through the door." He shook his head. "Really Belikov? How'd she do it?"

"Honestly, I don't know Alto."

"Unbelievable." He turned to face my mother "how do you feel Hathaway?"

"Stunned. Shocked. It's something I didn't see coming."

"You don't really see much coming regarding me Mother, we may be on better terms but you still don't know me." She was going to freak over Bubby. It was one thing she had clearly expressed her opinion about, time-and-again.

"I got to go." Alto promptly left. He obviously didn't want to be around if domestics started.

"Come on Rose. We have a job to do." He walked through Alberta's open door.

"Are you going to put me down yet?"

He rolled his eyes, shook his head emphatically and said "you're staying off your feet".

"At least set me in a chair."

My mother shut the door after entering and Dimitri sat down in a chair with me on his lap. He really wasn't going to let me do anything.

"Hathaway, Belikov, Rose. What's going on?" Alberta asked after we had made ourselves comfortable in her office. She seemed slightly amused by the sight in front of her.

"Alberta" I took a steadying breath. "I need my trainings altered."

She raised an eyebrow and my mother stared at me, while Dimitri whispered "tell them milaya, or I will, you should be proud, not scared" in my ear. I sighed. "Only you Dimitri, only you." I shook my head and sighed again. He gripped my hand and stroked it reassuringly with his thumb. I looked back at Alberta, "I'm pregnant."

"Oh!" She gasped.

"Rosemarie Hathaway!" And there's my mother's explosion.

I whipped my head around to face her. "Don't start. I know your opinions like the back of my hand. I don't need to hear them again."

"Shh, settle Roza." Dimitri breathed in my ear before he had a go at her for stressing me out. "You will answer to me Guardian Hathaway if anything happens to this child thanks to added stress you have now put on Rose." He growled at her. Oh boy!

"Comrade" I whispered in his ear. "Watch it. We love you sticking up for us but you should know better than to piss Janine Hathaway off." I pecked his ear before pulling back.

"Oh Rose" he looked me in the eyes and sighed. "You really don't get how precious this is." He was referring to us and our baby.

"I guess you're right." I sighed and collapsed into his embrace.

"Oh, you two are too adorable" Alberta spoke up. "I knew it! I knew it!" She knew?

"You knew?" I asked.

"Yeah. Obvious from day one, I can't believe it's taken this long."

"Alberta we do have a job to do."

"One other thing first Rose." Uh oh. "Is it a Belikov baby? I know it's supposed to be impossible but so was you surviving the crash."

"Yes." Dimitri spoke proudly.

"God knows what it's going to be capable of." She looked simultaneously amused and horrified.

Dimitri and I looked at each other, smirked, then broke out into laughter. We hadn't even thought about the insane level of potential and lethality our child would possess.

"The thought hadn't crossed your minds had it?"

"Nope." We laughed again.

"I'll get it sorted and get back to you. Belikov- keep Rose out of trouble, in other words- don't leave her side." She turned to my mother "and don't kick up a fuss Janine."

My mother simply huffed and left.

"Belikov? You're not going to really let her do anything are you?"

"No. Not really. She needs to train to graduate but I can't say I like the risk. I won't be the reason she doesn't graduate." My man pecked my cheek.

"Go get a room!" she laughed. "I'll reduce your hours with her if that helps."

"No. It doesn't help."

"I'll see what I can do. Seriously though, go home. Preferably to guardian dorms. We all know about you two anyway." That was all it took for Dimitri to carry me out the door after we thanked Alberta profusely.

As we walked through campus we received blank looks, if people even looked our way. Okay, we really were that hard to comprehend and they really weren't looking for it. I guess, despite the rumours of me 'throwing around my body', no one would expect that I'd 'cross that line'. Me and any male student, or even Adrian? Believable. Me and my hot-ass, supposedly antisocial, Russian battle god of a mentor? Incomprehensible. Him and anyone? Unbelievable. Him and 'his student'? Again, incomprehensible. He was too moral and lawful. Although, I had been eighteen for over a month now. "Are we seriously that hard for people to wrap their minds around? Are they that blind?" That caused my other half to laugh.

"Apparently. Reputations huh?"

"Don't bring them up."

"Hey," he gently chastised before kissing my cheek, "I'm not going to anything like they would. And you know it. You know it's not your body I truly want, it's your soul. It's you as a person I love. You know that."

"Yeah. I do. I know you want to show me off as yours. That's the difference, you want to say 'this is the person I love', not 'I've used'."

"Oh. Finally!" all the guardians exclaimed in relief and amusement when we walked into the dorm's lobby.

"Oh, come on," I groaned. "Enough with the 'it's about time's. Can we get no privacy?" They all laughed at that and I cringed. Not. Cool.

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