OverSized Clothing

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Benji POV:

I grabbed my hoodie before turning the corner leaving him there confused. As he should be. I either told him I wanted to adopt him, become the president, or date him. Maybe if he asks I'll go with the president part, President Krol.

I sat down with the rest of the kids and tapped my finger on the gym floor nervously. Side eyeing the door every few seconds.

<Flash Back>

I walked in the room and looked around it viewing the people who were in it. The teacher told me to sit and pointed to a desk which was one seat from the window. I sat down and took a quick look to the boy who was sitting there. It was the same beautiful curls and glowing skin from the bus. Is this the same boy?

Soon the teacher stopped talking and I heard a light tap on my desk. I looked over and it Was the boy from the bus. He spoke up to me his accent was thick but adorable. Adorable?

He smiled. I was too deep and thought I didn't even here what he said. I turned my head away from him trying to ignore him. Inside I could feel my heart pounding and my palm sweating. Another voice came it was soft but filled with excitement. I peaked over to see it was another girl chatting with the boy.

"Jorge" he said. I looked down at my desk. So Jorge is his name.

<End of Flashback>

I thought about all my actions towards him and how I tried to be tough. I always just wanted his attention even in a negative way but he wouldn't give it to me. When I saw him walk into gym and talk to that boy I couldn't handle the jealously.

I side eyes the door again and froze with blush as he walked out in his gym uniform that was a bit over sized. Cute. I looked down and started tapping my finger faster. He sat down with the Syd kid and MiLo. I rolled my eyes. He was talking to them but I don't know what about. He moved some of his curls out of his face and I saw him look at me. I moved my eyes back down hoping he didn't notice my stare.

Jorge POV:

I noticed him stare.

I couldn't get my mind off of the locker room situation. Did he want to be my dad or my dAdDy. I laughed to my own joke. Maybe he wants to be the president. I fidgeted with my clothing. Milos ginger slid under the rim of my shirt and he tugged it softly, I looked up at him and his grin stained on his face. He mumbled "OverSized clothing is cute". I shifted nervously hoping the red in my cheeks didn't come through.

Benji POV:

I saw the red on his cheeks come through. What was that milo guy doing to make him feel like that. I watched his nervous but cute movements. What are you doing Benji!?

I shook my head and took out my phone scrolling through Instagram till I saw a post.

GlowUp.Queen • Follow
3 easy step to make your crush fall

•Talk to him nicely compliment him.
•Ask has questions that aren't too personal but just enough for you to understand him more
•Find opportunities to hang out with him

I looked at the photo a little longer and hit the save button but not the like. Interesting.

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