CHAPTER 10: Snart's Reveal.

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The above picture is of actor Dylan Sprouse who plays Jeremy Mikealson/Fletcher.


Allison's P.O.V

"Hey its Caroline! No it's my voicemail. Leave a message." Caroline's voicemail said.

That's like the hundredth time I've been trying to call her. She has been avoiding me all week and we live in the same house.
I don't even know when she gets in or goes out.

I miss my bestfriend and I need to apologize.

Thank God it's Friday. I don't have any classes for the day and I'm all alone in this big house. Caroline and Jayden had classes and Jeremy wasn't around. He hardly is since the break up. And Snart? I've been avoiding him ever since our last argument. I stand on the fact that I am not some damsel in distress.

My mom has been calling me for  the past week now. I really do not want to hear what she and my dad has to say. They are the ones that got me into this mess of having to lie about my last name in the first place.

Akeem has totally gone silent. I haven't seen him in any of the classes we have together or at the university. Nothing. His social media has gone silent.

But that's not my problem now. My greatest priority right now is that I've run out of milk.

I lazily get up from my bed to get some more milk for my cereal. I get to the kitchen island but begin to hear sounds of someone training. It's coming from a basement. Wait! What? Why would the Fletcher brothers have a basement? I walk slowly towards the sound and as I walked pass the door a buzzing sound is made alerting whoever is in there that someone is coming.


"Allison? How did you get here?" A sweaty Snart asks.

"You weren't exactly subtle." I take a few steps before saying-- "This place is beautiful. Perfect."

The basement was a beauty. A perfect training ground. It had a boxing ring at the very middle. The room had no color. It was all black. The walls, the floor, the ceilings, the punching bags, the gym bags...everything was black in color.

"What do you know about fighting?" Snart asked arching his brows.

I laugh a little bit there.

"Enough to know that you're taking your frustration out on those punching bags." I say pointing to the broken punching bags on the floor.-- " Fight someone who could throw an actual punch."

"And who might that be? You?" Snart asks.

"I could totally kick your ass."

"I'd love to see you try. Right here. Right now."

"Come on! I'm in a sweatshirt." I say.

"Take it off." Snart says with a huge smirk.


"Come on. I know you're putting on a sports bra right now."

He's right. I wore a sports bra. How does he know these things? Who is Snart Fletcher really?

I take off my sweat shirt and take off my slippers leaving me in my grey sports bra and my blue legging.

I immediately threw my first kick without giving Snart an heads up.

"Rule number 1. Never. Never let your opponent know your next move. Attack when they least expect." Michael Jedson tells a 10 year old me.

Snart kicks left, I kick right. I swing right and he grabs a hold of my arm and bending it to an unreasonable direction. I'm not sure my bone can take such pressure. I hit my head against his. Hard. Snart looses his balance but immediately kicks me in the belly. Akeem is definitely no match.

I swirl and give him multiple kicks on the face. I punch him in face and then extends my right leg over his shoulder making me able to sit on his shoulders in order to hit him on the floor.

I didn't have 14 years of training for nothing.

Snart falls hard on the floor but gets up and says-- "I've been underestimating you little wolf."

I roll my eyes and get ready for his next attack. But... but I don't even see his next attack, the next thing I knew I was pinned to the floor. Snart Fletcher took me down as though it was nothing. He's the first person that could actually best me in a fight. Well, then I haven't fought with that much people.

"You're no match for me Allison." Snart says as we both lay on the floor. His body pressed against mine and his hands firmly against my neck. I could feel his breath on my face and it felt good.  Peppermint and a hint of nutella. 
I could never get use to this.

Think about Jeremy you stupid!

"Hey! The last piece of bacon was supposed to be mine." I shout as Snart shoved the last piece of bacon in his mouth.

"Life isn't fair luv. Get used to it. "

I was still in my sports bra and legging. I had become so comfortable with Snart.

There's an awkward moment of silent and I sense something in the way Snart looks at me. Pity. That's what I sense.

"What's wrong Snart?"

"I haven't been totally honest with you too Allison... and I feel you have the right to know the truth." Snart says as he drops the fork on the table.

"What is it Snart?"

"All I just need is for you to trust me Allison. I promise I didn't mean for it to turn out like this."

"Just tell me what you have to say Snart!" I yell.

"It has to do with you being an Atravesar. " Snart says.


Eeeekkkkk! 😛😛
What do you think Snart has to say?????? I'm in so much suspense right now. Uhh! But I totally know was gonna happen. Duh! But still eeekkkkk!

Okay how was the fighting scene back there. I tried my best really. I really did.

Snart Mikealson beats Allison Atravesar in a blink of an eye! Woah.

Uhh... I had a really nice day today! I was smiling endlessly!

So I came home to wrap everything with a little Wattpad.  Anyways to next time!!!!!!  I love you muffins.

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