CHAPTER 17: The Capture.

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Allison's P.O.V

Snart has been on the run for over a month now. Anytime we get close to catch him he slips away. The last time he left Caroline with a broken arm and Akeem with a fractured bone. The three of us together were no match for Snart Mikealson.

He keeps on saying he is innocent but I don't know what to believe anymore. I know it isn't true. He's just lieing to save himself. If he was innocent he would surrender.

But I haven't given him a chance to defend himself either.

I don't need his defense, if the police says he is guilty then he is. And he lied to me about his last name, both him and Jeremy.

I have people also searching for Jeremy, it's as though the Mikealson brothers has disappeared from the face of the earth, but I've been hearing rumors that the Mikealson cartel has a new co-leader.

I sit here on my desk, what used to be my father's desk and I'm sorting out a lot of paper work. My eyes are tired and I really need sleep. I didn't ask for this kind of life. I could have been in the Bahamas now, be in school or anywhere else.

My phone rings and I look at the screen, it's Jeremy. Jeremy Mikealson is actually calling. I pick up the phone and attempt to answer the call.

What the hell are doing? Why would you answer it?

The name on the screen, Jeremy Fletcher becomes a reminder of the betrayal. Parts of me wishes it was Snart calling right now and I don't know why.

I try to pick up the call but its already to late. There's a knock on my door and my bodyguard walks in.

"Yes?" I ask not looking up fron the bunch of paperwork scattered across the table.

"Miss, the tracker is waiting in the research room for you. He says he has some information. " He says.

"I'll be there in a moment." I say.

The bodyguard steps out of my room and locks the door behind him.

You can do this Allison. You're are an Atravesar.


"What do you have for me?" I ask the tracker.

"We got a location on the person you've been tracking." He says.

That's Snart. Snart is the person I asked him to track.

"And?" I ask.

"This is the location." He says handing me a white paper.

I look over to Akeem and Caroline as though asking them if they would come along to help.

"No way. I ain't doing that. My fractured bone ain't healed up yet you know." Akeem says.

"What's the use Al? Chasing someone who we are no match for. For what reason? You aren't sure if he is guilty Al." Caroline adds.

"My name isn't Al, its Allison. And I don't need his word. His lieing and the forensics report are all the proof I need." I say.

Caroline and Akeem just stare at me. Akeem stares at me with a stare of contentment but Caroline gives me a stare of pity.

"You coming?" I ask Caroline.

"Yeah. I'm right behind you." She stays standing up to her feet.

I'm outside the abandoned warehouse that Snart Mikealson is supposed to be hiding.

"You've been staring at the building for over 10 minutes now." Caroline says.


"Allison, the guys are waiting for your command."

I think about this one last time. It gets harder every single time I do this.

You still care about him though he lied to you. That's weak Allison.

"Let's go." I say to everyone.

We get into the warehouse. I don't see any sign of Snart. He isn't her. We scan the place and see his things. Can foods and cloths scattered around the place.

"He's not here guys. Let's go."

Everyone goes outside but something tells me that Snart Mikealson is in there.

"Caroline, Snarts in there. I know it. Instruct all the guys to stay 3 blocks away. You are with me."

"Okay. Just be careful Al." Caroline says.

I walk back into the warehouse as Caroline leads my guys away. I hear a twitching sound at the corner nearby and I turn my gun facing that direction slowly observing every little detail of the surrounding. I hear another sound and this time it's coming from the ceilings. I immediately  jerk my head to look up to the ceilings.

A ceiling was pulled downward and someone jumped down from it. I pointed my gun at the person as I shouted-- "stop there!"

He immediately turned around.


"Allison, Allison you have to listen to me. I'm innocent, I didn't do anything you're accusing me of."

I couldn't think. He was Snart and I was hesitating to plant a bullet in his legs.

"Just shut up! Shut it! You lied about everything. You and Jeremy. You both took my feelings and toyed with them. I trusted you."

"Allison, please believe me. For whatever we had between us, I know you care about me and I do to. Allison I am innocent." Snart says.

He's saying the truth. He's freaking saying the truth and I can feel the tears swimming to come out. Don't cry Allison. Don't cry.

"Cared. Past tense." I say as I fire a gun at him.

Snart immediately dodges the bullet and runs towards me kicking the gun out of my hand...

I punch right, punch left, punch right and Snart just dodges all my punches and throws. I swing right as I gather momentum by swirling and giving him a kick on his face. We go again but I'm already stressed out. Hand to hand combat is not my forte.

Snart has me pinned against the wall and I can't get out of his grip.
His breath brushing vigorously against my face. Peppermint and a hint of nutella, but it doesn't have the same effect it used to have on me. Instead of having chills rush through my spine  I feel anger. Pain. Revenge.

I struggle to get out of his grip when Caroline planted a syringe with a colorless substance in one of his arteries. And Snart falls to the floor, unconscious.

"I knew you needed me." Caroline says as she blows a lose strand of her blonde hair from her face.

"Take him to the van. We have some questioning to do."

"You mean torture." Caroline says.

"Oh. I'm gon do whatever it takes to get what I want from him." I say.



That took me days to write. I actually don't know what to put down. I already have my ending to this book but to fill in the chapters in between is really difficult.

So I basically think that Allison has lost every atom of good in her. Shes no longer the innocent and good girl she once was.

Next chapter!

But who do you think killed Pedro Atravesar?

10 reads for this chapter, how about that? Or else I ain't updating.  Y'all readers are decreasing.

Next time muffins!!!

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