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"Allison it's not what you think it is." Caroline says.

Caroline is on her shorts and she putting on her tan top while Akeem scurries to the other side of the room and put on his shirt and trouser.

"How long has this been going on?" I ask.

No answer, just silence.

"Answer me!" I yell.

"A little over 7 months now..." Caroline says sounding a little but embarrassed or sad.

"What and no one thought to tell me? Akeem you're going to be my husband by next week. " I say.

"Allison we didn't know how you'd feel." Akeem says.

"How I'd feel? Akeem we are getting married because it's expected of us, not because we are in love. It's our duty, our obligation. The least you could have done was to tell me the truth." I say.

"And how was I suppose to do that. Should I just walk up to you and say, "Hey Allison, I'm in love with your bestfriend!" Huh?"  Akeem says.

"What?" Caroline and I say together.

Akeem just said that he was in love with Caroline.

Caroline turns and looks at Akeem.

"What did you just say?" Caroline says.

Akeem walks towards her and grabs both her shoulders.

"I know this is such a bad time to say things for the first time but I love you Caroline Forbes." Akeem says.

Caroline laughs and says..."I love you too."

Snart and Jeremy's faces immediately flash in my head.

Pick one you confused bitch.

"Look. I'm happy for you Caroline, I am. But what you just did was an act of betrayal. You know what that means right?" I say.

Caroline nods.

"Alli..." Akeem was saying before I cut him off by lifting my palm.

"Akeem is practically my husband, if my mum should find out about your betrayal, you'd face serious punishment." I say.

Caroline bites her lips

"Which is why I'm not going to say or do anything." I say.

"Thank you Ally." Caroline says.

"But this? Whatever is going on here? It has to stop. Or else the wedding is off, and Akeem I believe you know what that means for your family." I say.

They look at me with scorn.

"I'm going to give you both some time to think about what to do." I say and I walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

I lean on the wall and take a deep breath. Being a cartel leader is one hell of a dramatic life. From a minor problem to a major one. I still have to figure out who sent Green to kill my father. I don't know who to trust, I can't even tell my mum about my recent discoveries, both of them. And Caroline? Caroline who I trusted more in this world has been lieing to me through out the past year.

"You okay boss? " I hear a voice say.

I look up and it Gary.

"Hey Gary. Would you happen to want some time off considering the kidnap and all." I say.

I need to get Gary out of the picture to be able to hold Green captive.

"But who would take over things?" Gary says.

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