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Allison Atraverser is the daughter of one the biggest drug lords. She has two bestfriends, Allison and Jayden whose families are also involved in drugs. She falls for 2 brothers, Jeremy and Snart Mikealson, sons of a rival drug family.
Both brothers clearly care for Allison.
Allison is betrothed to Akeem Jedson , someone who will strengthen her in leading the cartel after her father's death.

Allison thinks Snart killed her father but Snart denies it. She captures Snart and tortures him until he escapes.

Allison's P.O.V
{Back to 24 hours later}

Snart comes to stop in front of a house. It's a small wooden house but suitable for secret meetings.

Jayden is the first to get out and she pulled out a remote key and presses the green button then the door to the garage opens.

"I'm going to park the car properly. You guys get in,I'll meet up." Snart says.

Jeremy and I get out of the car and walk in up to Jayden and we all walk into the house.

We come into a small and cozy sitting room with benches for chairs and mats on the floor.
There's something about this place, it's peaceful.

"Allison I'm sorry I didn't tell you about any of this earlier." Jayden says.

Jeremy is glaring at me, if only looks could kill.

"Allison. You have to listen to us. We have information that'll be beneficial." Jaydrn says.

I still don't trust them. I still don't trust the Mikealson brothers. I reach to back and pull out my gun and point it to Jayden and Jeremy.

Jaydens hands immediately go up in the air and Jeremy tries reaching to his back and I shoot at the floor in front of him tearing up the wooden tile. "Dont even think of it." I say to Jeremy.

"Why must you be so hard headed Allison! We aren't the enemy here God dammit." Jeremy says.

"Just shut up Jeremy. Shut the fucking hell up. You aren't the enemy huh? You're the son of my fathers biggest rival! You lied to me about your last name! You were sent to get information from me! I fuckinhg had feelings for you but I was nothing but an assignment to you huh?" I asked at the top of my voice.

My voice was raspy and my eyes wear watery. This is the first time I'm letting my feelings out in several months. I want Jeremy to shout back. I need him to shout back.

"You were everything to me but an assignment Allison." Jeremy said.

His words took me aback. It pierced my very soul. I have so many questions... so many questions unanswered.

Jeremy moves closer and the tip of my gun is touching his chest. I immediately take a step back.

"Maybe that's how it started at first. It started as a mission set for my brother and I. But I feel for you Allison. For your every flaw, your innocence, your wit, your sense of humor, how pretty you are when you laugh and how cute you are when you cry. Every flaw. That's what I fell for." Jeremy says and I can feel every ounce of truth in his voice.

A tear rolls down my cheek. I hate crying least of all in front of people. I lower my hand and the gun fell to the floor.

"Remember the day you walked into the house to tell us about Akeem? That was the day I saw you for you and fell bloody in love with you." Jeremy says.

Damn the British accent.

I still can't speak. I can't move. I can't breathe and I can't seem to feel my hands. I immediately rush out of the house and go stand outside. I take in the calm environment. The grasses as green as they could be and trees so evergreen that they look they could give life to a dead being. The humidity of the atmosphere allows water droplets to cling on every surface they can.

This scenery calms my nerves but when I think I need a little more to feel calm I let out an exasperating shout as I pick up a pebble and throw it into the air.

I hear footsteps behind me and someone puts their hands on my shoulder. It feels so good, comforting.

"What's the problem luv?" Snart says.

I sigh-- "everything is the damn problem."

"Uhh I never did get to apologize to you." Snart says.

"For what?"

"For lieing about who I actually was. I don't think you deserved that." Snart says.

Is this man for real? I hunted him across the country, held him prisoner for over a year for a crime he didn't commit and for everytime he tried explaining himself I didn't listen. I was the one who needed to be apologizing.

"Snart. I'm the one who needs to apologize..."

"You don't have to do that if you aren't convinced that I'm innocent." Snart says.

"Let me talk" I say as I clear my throat-- "I know now that you're innocent. I feel it. You, standing here with me makes me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Makes me feel safe." I go ahead to place my hand on his chest just so I could feel his heartache and when I do my soul lit aflame. Out heartbeats were in perfect sync and I could feel like I knew how he was thinking, how he was feeling. Our eyes connect and I see him for a split second look down at my lips. I remember the last time we kissed. It still feels like yesterday.

"And this is what makes me know that you're innocent. I'm sorry I held you, I'm sorry I didn't listen to everyone. I was just so lost in the darkness that I didn't know how to get out."

Snart takes his hands to my face and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and when his skin touched mine I felt a damn burning sensation.

He's still looking down at my lips. It's now I realize that my hand was still on his chest and the distance between us has be closed up and we are just seconds away from out lips colliding.

Fuck this! Snart fucking Mickealson is freaking irresistible.

I felt him closing in to kiss me and then I closed my eyes and I swear I can feel every breeze, every bird chirping, the noise the leaves makes as the breeze moves them about...

"Allison we better get started." Jaydens voice says from the porch of the cabin.

Snart and I pull apart and we head into the cabin.

Immediately I step inside and I see Jeremy inserting a disc into a DVD I feel different. Not as calm as I felt when I was with Snart but there was this energetic rush of hormones. My nerves were dancing and I couldn't calm it down. I was like a freaking high school girl who just met her crush.

"This is the actual footage of Pedro's murder." Jeremy says and he takes the remote and press play.

There's my dad. He looks so alive and energetic. He's working through some papers and smoking his cigar. He never did smoke in front of me cause he knew how much I hated the stench. Hated. Now I just see it as stupid but I can bear it.

"I think you'll need to sit for this one Ally." Jayden says.

"No. I don't need to." I say.

The video shows someone on all black with a mask and gloves creep through the window and into the room, the person brings out a gun with a silencer to shoot but my father immediately dodges and hits the persons arm.

The gun flies in another direction and both my dad and the killer struggle to get it. My dad gets the gun and they are both struggling until my dads just stops...

Stops moving, stops struggling, stops breathing, stops living.

The person starts planting fingerprints on the gun and on my father's body.

Snart was framed.

The person takes off his mask.

Update coming tomorrow! Thanks for sticking with me guys!

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