CHAPTER 19: Snart's Escape.

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{A/N: This is the same as the last chapter but from Allison P.O.V.}

Allison's P.O.V

How long can I continue with this? Now I am getting engaged to someone I don't even love. I used to love him but not anymore. At least if that's what love feels like.

You still care for the Mikealson brothers.

Speaking of Mikealson brothers, I have one underground. A year of torture and Snart had confessed nothing. Not to killing my dad or any plan his family has against mine.

I get up from my bed and take a walk to my vanity mirror. I don't recognize the woman staring back at me. The glam is no longer there,  I cut my brunette hair to shoulder length and I had tattoos on my left arm. The tattoos were Akeems idea.
Jayden was still attending school, just like her parents, whe didn't want anything with the drug business but she visited Caroline and I often.

My door burst open and I'm visited with Caroline and Jayden.

"Ready for your engagement party?" Jayden asks.

"Allison. How come you're not dressed? It starts in an hour." Caroline says.

"I'll get dressed. I just don't see the big deal. It's just a party." I say.

"Yes. A party with a lot of delegates from different cartels and gangs in and out of this country." Caroline says.

It's the truth. It's more of an alliance than an engagement.
I can't help but groan because I know this night is going to be stressful.

"Do you even like him Allison?" Jayden asks.
I give Jayden a puzzled look and she adds--"Akeem whom you're getting engaged to today."

"It's not about what I want Jay. I'm only doing what is necessary for the cartel."

"But does it make you happy?" Jayden asks again.

"My happiness doesn't matter anymore." I say.

"I can't believe you just said that." Jayden says.

"Just stop it both of you. An argument is not what we need right now. Allison time for you to get ready." Caroline says.

"Give me a minute." I say as I walked out of the room.

I can't do this anymore. Not with Jayden constantly reminding me of who I am. I can't. I can't be weak, not for anything.

I stand outside my house staring at the water fountain and I walk my way to the back of the house to the underground cell I've been keeping Snart.

"Good evening ma'am." The guards say.

"When last was our prisoner fed?" Allison asks.

"2 days ago." He says.


"Bring him some food after the celebration tonight." I say.

"Yes ma."

"Open the lid."

The guards open it and I go down the ladder and walk down to his cell.

There he is. All covered in dirt. I don't even know what I feel towards him anymore.
Revenge? Anger? Hate? Care? Pity?
Nothing. It's all void.

Snart is staring at me and then
suddenly a cough finds it's way out from his throat.

"You still don't want to admit to killing my father?" I asks as I give myself a mental face palm for that stupid thing I just said.

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