CHAPTER 34: The Wedding

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Allison's P.O.V

The kiss was everything you'd want it to be, I felt a rush of energy surging through me and it was unquenchable. My every body wanted, needed this. I needed to feel like I haven't felt in months.

Jeremy slowly kissed and caressed me, I could feel the passion burning in his kisses, the need to have him close to me and a consumable energy all around him. He placed his hands in the cup of my back and worked his way through my back and my hips, every single touch driving me towards extreme pleasure.

It was as though if I stopped kissing him I'd stop living, but soon enough we already ran out of breath and we both pulled away.

"I can never get use to that." Jeremy says and smiles.

Jeremy stands up and walks away.

"Make sure to eat your food, I cooked it with love. Luv." Jeremy says and walks out from the basement.

I am left once again in the quiet basement, the basement is full of weapons and different papers, different documents. This cabin belongs to the Mickelson hence the basement and everything in it.

The Mickelson makes me see what a cartel should be, what my father failed to do and what I should be doing. The have a lot of things in their disposal, there's hardly anything they'd lack. Weapons, safe houses, man power, strategy, power, affluence, immunity. The Mickelsons have immunity from any sort of federal agency and that is something my cartel would get if I could get a merger with them.

"Hey Ally, it's time to head back." Jayden says as she pokes her head in through the door.

"I'll be out in a minute." I say.

Jayden leaves.

I turn around and about to head out when my eyes rest on the plate of food.

"Make sure to eat your food, I cooked it with love. Luv."

Damn that "luv" word.

I chuckle and walk out of the basement and into the cabin, Snart is waiting at the door and waiting for me to walk out for him to close the door behind me.

"The least you and Jeremy can do is to be subtle about it." Snart says as I walked by and immediately I am shocked.

I am not sure what I look like but I'm sure I'd look like someone who had seen a ghost. I am about telling Snart something along the line of that I didn't mean to hurt him but he cuts me off.

"It's okay. I wasn't expecting much."

"Are you coming or not?" Caroline says from the driver seat of the car.

I give Snart a small hug and walk away.

"You good?" Jayden asks immediately I enter the car.

"Yeah." I breathe out.

Jayden drives off.

* * * *

"You ready baby?"

"Yes mum, I am." I reply.

I am in my room with my mum and Jayden. I am in my wedding outfit and waiting on the moment to start matching out. The wedding dress is so beautiful and feels like a second skin on me. The gown is a straight lace and chiffon material, it is slightly off the shoulders and has laces on the back to tie them leaving my bare back exposed. The gown is white but has a purple halo anytime a sun ray hits it. I go with purple irises and pink roses for my bouquet. My hair has been cut back to neck length and has been placed in a jet straight cut.

I have a simple necklace hanging down my neck. It's a three stepped piece, first step is a silver chain whilst the second step is decorated in purple diamond and the last step has a silver chain with a gun shaped silver pendant. My rings match my necklace and I have a few accessories on my hair. My shoes are glass heels but I have no idea why the heels feel so heavy.

My room door opens up, Caroline walks in and gives a disappointing look. I know what that means, she couldn't get Akeem to back down. Caroline and Jayden are both spotting a short violet body-con dress. Caroline has a pair of black boots and she has her hair in a neat bun. Jayden has silver flats on and has her hair in a very full fro. I can bet it on my life that these girls each have at least 5 weapons hidden in their body cause all hell might break loose today.

I hear the noises of people rushing and getting settled down. It's starting.

"Please can we all be sitted?" The priest says from over the microphone.

"We are all gathered here today for the very people we love, for Allison and Akeem."

Some moments passes.

"Please let's all acknowledge the groom as he walks in."

Everyone is clapping their hands.

"It's time mi hija." My mum says.

"Bueno?" She continues.

"Bueno." I say affirmatively.

The bridal chorus starts playing. It's time.

My mum opens the door and I start walking , my every step matching the music. The path I follow is beautifully adorned with a carpet. I come out from the doors and I am met with the crowd that's gathered here for my wedding. Everyone stands up.

I can spot a few faces amongst the crowd. The Alcatrazes, Dynalys, the Mexican drug ring, the South African gangs, Russian mafia, some of the major gangs from across the country.

I look forward and I see Akeem. He's handsome I'll give him that. He's wearing an all white suit with a black tie and black pocketing. He has an earring on his right earlobe. I hate him. The moment I see him, a pit forms in my stomach, he disgust me and I can't wait to have my gun pointed to his head.

I reach the alter and Akeem stretches his hands to pull me close. I take his hands.

"May we all be sitted." The priest says.

Every one sits down.

"Everyone of us sitted here today are gathered because we all want to witness the joining of the love between Allison and Akeem. Love is a beautiful emotion,  connection many people can't understand, we should be happy that our two lovely children found love in eachother. Now time for the vows. Akeem?"

No one told me I fucking had to say my vows.

"Allison Atraverser. I remember the first time I saw you when we were kids, you'd come to my house to train with my pop, there and then I knew I had to have you to myself, we started dating from highschool and then we broke up, if anyone told you we'd end up together you'd most prolly kill em. But! Here we are now." Akeem says and everyone in the congregation let's out small laughs.  I notice Akeems eyes drifting to Caroline and back to me.

"You're good for me Allison. I want you to know that." Akeem ends.

Right now I don't even know how to react, Akeem said that vow with every but of sincerity but leaving out the important details, and that's what I am going to do.

"I vow to you today Akeem Jedson, for everything you've made me feel, for every emotion I feel when I think of you, I'd make sure you feel exactly what I am feeling for the remaining of your years. I vow Akeem, I vow to live for you." I say.

The priest smiles.

"If there is anyone who has any cause why this two should not be wedded in holy matrimony please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Now Snart, now.

"Well very much, yes." A voice says from the congregation.

Every turns to the direction of the voice and I certainly do too.

"That woman cannot get married to that murderer." Snart says.

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Really want to be done with this book! But the writers block ugh

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