Prologue. The Chronicles.

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"You follow our instructions and do what we say no matter what." Mum said to Jeremy and I.
"Yes mother."

"Now, you're going to attend school like any normal university freshman. Go to parties, get good grades,get a job even get a girlfriend but don't forget the reason we sent both of you there." Dad added.
"Yes father." Jeremy and I said in unison.

"Good kids. On no account must you let anyone know who you truly are. They mustn't know that you are the sons of the Mikealsons."
"You shall go by the last name, Fletcher. Snart and Jeremy Fletcher." Dad added.

"But what about the school records?" Jeremy asked.
"The school has your original names but the school won't be yelling your names from the roof top now will they?"
"I guess not so." I said.

"Good. Now go get some rest. You leave tomorrow morning." Dad said.

"Good night mother."
"Good night father. " My brother and I said quietly as the exited the living room and made our way to the hallway.

Jeremy stood still as we arrived at the front of my room door.
"What?" I asked him.
"Do you think pretending to be someone else is going to be easy?"
"Well, literally we are not pretending to be someone else. We are just not letting people in on the knowledge of our last name." I responded.

"Hhpmmh." This was all Jeremy could alter.
I gave Jeremy a stern gaze as I could not understand what his exclamation was for.

"But the consequence of not completing the task is too big a risk." Jeremy added.

"Yes. The assignment is bound for one of us to fail, and whoever fails just looses everything." I told Jeremy.

"Why couldn't we just grow up like normal children. Normal children not having to complete different assignments and tasks in order to earn our family more wealth." Jeremy said.

I knew what Jeremy meant. I wanted that too but if I admitted to that where is the hope for him to hang on to?

"Life is no fun if you are normal all the time. Come on, it is past 10 PM. Time for bed." I said to Jeremy as I opened my room door.
"Good night brother."
"Good night."

I closed my room door as I let my eye unravel at the gross darkness that surrounded my room before switching the lights on.
The thought of this assignment made my bones go cold.

By tomorrow I would be in America, in university but still not living a normal college life...

And then I switched the lights on.

Allison's P.O.V.

"Hey Jayden,pass me the Jean on the top drawer." I said gesturing to the drawer.
Jayden passed me the Jean and I tossed it into my luggage. Jayden, Caroline and I were parking our luggages for college tomorrow.

University. It's not everyday one gets admitted into The University but with my dad pulling a few strings my bestfriends and I were all able to attend. We got the same dorm room. Sharing a room with my bestfriends for the rest of my college life. A.m.a.z.i.n.g!

"And that's the last one!" Caroline said as she locked up her luggage.
"So this is it huh? College?" Jayden asked.

"Yeahh. By tomorrow we'll be in Connecticut." I then look at my wrist watch trying to get the time. "It's 4:35 pm guys. What do you say we grab one last drink in the city of Texas before our flight tomorrow?"

"Sure. Definitely!" Caroline said.
"We grew up here you know? How will it be to stay away from Texas? I mean Texas is our home." Jayden said.
"You'll get use to it girl." Caroline said as she stood up opening the door gesturing for us to head out.

We got out of the house and had one of the chauffeurs to drive us into town and I sure had to take a body guard with me.

Caroline, Jayden and I got back from our outing at about 9 PM and we immediately headed upstairs to my room.
We were all gisting and eating from our pizza when the intercom rang and it was my parents requesting for me in the study.

The study!
The long walk from my room to the study was aggravating. This house is definitely huge enough for my dad to have 2 study rooms but no, he has just one.
My room was in the east wing while his study was in the west wing, close to his master bedroom.

I finally got to the door of the study and knocked on the door.
"Come in." I heard my mother's voice say from the other side of the door.

I turned the door knob to open it. I got into the room and shut it behind me.

"Hey Allison."
"Hey mum."

"Do you have any idea why we called you here?"

I had an hypothesis on to why I was called by my parents but I wasn't sure why.
"I'm guessing it has to do with my going to school tomorrow?"

"Yes Allison. If your mom and I had it any other way we would home school you."

I gave a nervous look.

But?But is good right?

My mom continued, "but our legacy demands that you must grow up like any other normal child. But darling, bear in mind that your life is nothing near normal."

Great speech!
All I could do was to swallow hard and give a small nod.

"Do you know the meaning of Atravesar in English?" My dad asked.

I thought about the answer one more time...I thought for the meaning of my last name wanting to be sure in order to be sure and avoid scornful talk from my father.

"Pierce. Atravesar translates to Pierce in English."

"Good. You know your history." My dad said to me as he handed me an envelope gesturing for me to open it.

I opened the envelope and stumbled upon what seemed like documents...documents of myself. My passport were all over the pages of the papers and the name there was ... Allison?
Allison Pierce.

"Yes dear. We discussed this with you earlier. This is the name you are going to be bearing. Pierce, this is your last name now. No one except the school is going to know that you are an Atravesar." My mom said.

I took in a breathe. Allison Pierce. This was going to be my new name. As though the boyfriend trouble I was having with Akeem wasn't enough. I had to add this?

"Oh my beautiful Senorita." Mom said.

"What's your name sweet heart?" Dad asked.
"Allison Atravesar."

"Wrong!" I saw my dad yell. "Now what's your name?"

"Allison Pierce."

"And what did we tell you?" Dad asked.

"No one." I swallowed hard in order to complete the remaining part of the sentence.
"No one must know I am an Atravesar. "

So that's it for the prologue. Sorry if it was a bit boring. Chapter 1 coming right up. Thank you.


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