CHAPTER 13: Not A Bed of Roses.

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"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." ~Tim Notke.

Allison's P.O.V

"You are betrothed to Akeem Jedson, Allison." My mother says.

I literally feel like dying.
This. Cannot. Be. Happening. It isn't suppose to be like this.

"What?" I say faintly.

"Its a thing we usually do Allison. It's to strengthen our ranks. That was how I was betrothed to your father." Mom says.

"And Akeem is supposed to help me against the Mikealsons or what?"

"Yes mi hija." Dad says.

"Dad I am fucking 18. I haven't gone to school. I haven't traveled around the world, I haven't explored or..or fell in love. I don't want this kind of life for myself dad. I don't want anything to do with this." I say as I stand to walk out.

"You will listen to me Allison!" My dad shouts.

I snapped.

"What dad! What! What is it? I don't want anything with the drug business. N.o.t.h.i.n.g. Screw this." I yelled back at them and start walking out.

I hadn't walked that far when I heard my mom say -- "Give her time Pedro. She'll come around. She's an Atravesar. She was born for this life. It's not a choice, it's her destiny."


There are no more tears left to cry. I've cried them all out. My eyes hurt but that's not what hurt more. You know what hurt more? My heart.

My feeble human heart. It hurts so much. Here I was thinking my life was just all beautiful well guess what? My life is not a bed of roses.

I hate this. Drugs? Cartels? Kingpin? I can't come to be the next druglord!

"Allison. Hey it's me." I hear Caroline say.

"Leave me alone." I sob.

"Your parents told me you were at the fighting pen." Caroline say.

I remember the fact Caroline had been lieing to me.

"How long did you know about this care?" I ask.

Caroline sits down before saying-- "A little over a year now."

"And you just kept it from me? You lied to me for months Caroline!"

"I am sorry Allison. I truly am. But our parents had me keep it from you."

"I don't want anything to do with this life." I say to her.

"You don't have a choice Allison. You were born for this life. Why do you think we were taken to shooting ranges? Taught how to handle every gun there is? Combat and martial arts training? The difference between all kind of drugs? How to tell quality drugs? And to study a business related course?" Caroline says.

"How do I handle it? I'm the soft girl Care. I'm not some badass drug dealer."

"You didn't need to be badass when you beat Akeems black ass." Caroline adds. -- " I've put on the stupid blonde girl act. I'm not stupid Allison. It's all a front. I had to pretend. Now this betrothal between you and Akeem is going to help our cartel stronger. I know you don't love Akeem. But think about this."

I sighed. I can't believe I'm actually thinking of considering this. I actually like the sound and adventure of this.

"How did you know to come to Texas anyway?" I ask.

"Oh that. Snart called me and told me what happened. I told him to book the next flight after yours."

Snart. I haven't called him since. I wonder how he knew he truth about my family.

"So what do you say Al?" Caroline asked me with an expectant grin.

"I'll think about it." I say smiling.

"Yay!!" Caroline says.

"That was fake.." I say laughing.

"You know I've always wondered if you could beat me in a fight." Caroline says.

"Oh come on Caroline. I'm gonna kill you."

"Alright. Let's go."

I stand up and get into a fighting stance. It's then I notice Caroline is wearing the same outfit as me.

Caroline swings right,swing left, swings left and gives me an uppercut. And I lose my balance.

"Come on Allison. Don't give in so easily."

I kicked left,kicked right, punch left as I dodge Caroline's right punch. Caroline gives me an upper cut and an elbow punch but I immediately grab her by her forehead and hit my head against hers very hard...

Caroline and I go for a very long time before saying-- "Equal."

"You really are an Atravesar." Caroline says.

"tuve suficiente entrenamiento." I say to her.

"yo tambien." Caroline shoots back.

I give her a strange gaze surprise at the fluency of her Spanish.

"What? My mother is Spanish remember?" She says.

Oh yeah.

I've thought about it.
I've spent hours thinking about this. I've drawn every possibility of my future depending on what choice I make.

I can't do this.
I'm not going to join the family business. I can't do this.

I walk to my father's study knowing fully well he's still there.

I get to his door and meet it open. He never leaves his door open. I slowly walk into the study and what is this I see?

It. Cannot. Be .

My father lies on the table. Blood all around him, he is lying lifeless with a gunshot wound.

And that's when I scream.


Uh! Allison's dad! Do y'all want him to make it out alive?? I really feel for Allison. One problem to the other.

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Next chapter coming right up.

I love you muffins!!!

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