CHAPTER 11: Snart's Reveal 2.

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Snart's P.O.V

I've been down in this basement training for the past 2 hours now.
I think the punching bags are suffering my pain. I need to let everything out. My pain for my family, hatred for the Mikealson surname, Jeremy's desperation and most of all my affection for Allison.

I messed it all up. Instead of coming here and getting what I want... I fall for Allison? It's the biggest mistake of my life.

I hear the buzzing sound alerting me that someone is coming. I immediately take the remote control and press the key to cover up all the automatics and guns hanging on the wall. I hear Allison's footsteps behind me.

I turn around and say-- "Allison how did you get here?"

"You weren't exactly subtle. This place is beautiful. Perfect." Allison says as she looks around the basement.

Wow. Which girl wound think a fighting arena is perfect? Allison Atravesar.

She takes a few steps as she observes the basement. I don't think she saw me hiding the guns.

"What do you know about fighting?" I ask as I arch my brows.

I laugh a little bit there.

"Enough to know that you're taking your frustration out on those punching bags." She say pointing to the broken punching bags on the floor.-- " Fight someone who could throw an actual punch."

"And who might that be? You?" I asks.

"I could totally kick your ass."

"I'd love to see you try. Right here. Right now."

"Come on! I'm in a sweatshirt." I say.

But I think she's wearing a sports bra. Her breasts looks firmer and smaller than usual.

"Take it off." I say trying my best not to smirk.


"Come on. I know you're putting on a sports bra right now."

Shes gives me a sharp glare as she takes off her sweat shirt and slippers leaving her in a grey sports bra and blue legging. Beautiful.

Whilst still admiring Allison's beauty she immediately threw her first kick without giving me a heads up.

I kick left, she kicked right. She swings right and I grab a hold of her arm and bend it to an unreasonable direction. Allison screams in pain. She hits her head against me. Hard. I lose my balance but immediately kick her in the belly.

I am going easy on Allison but I wasn't thought to do so.

"In a fight there is no friend. It's either kill or be killed. No mercy. Deliver every strike with an equal amount of pain." My father tells me and Jeremy.

Allison swirls and gives me multiple kicks in the face. She delivers another punch to my face as she extends her right leg over my shoulder making her able to sit on my shoulders and the next thing I know I'm on the floor.

"I've been underestimating you little wolf." I say as I get back onto my feet.

She rolls her eyes and get ready for my next attack.

I move as swiftly as possible as I sweep her off the floor and hit her against the ground with my left arm against her neck.

"You're no match for me Allison." I say as we both lay on the floor. I could feel Allison's heartbeat get faster with every second that passes.

"Hey! The last piece of bacon was supposed to be mine." Allison shout as I shove the last piece of bacon into my mouth.

"Life isn't fair luv. Get used to it. "

There's an awkward moment of silent in which I just stare at Allison. I feel sorry for her. She has no idea what's going on in her life. Her father is the leader of a drug cartel and she has absolutely no idea.

"What's wrong Snart?"

"I haven't been totally honest with you too Allison... and I feel you have the right to know the truth." I say.

"What is it Snart?"

"All I just need is for you to trust me Allison. I promise I didn't mean for it to turn out like this."

"Just tell me what you have to say Snart!" Allison yells.

"It has to do with you being an Atravesar. " Snart says.

Allison sits on the floor and I join her.

"Allison. What's your family business?" I ask.

"Uh My family owns Atraverser Group of Companies...I don't know for sure what they do. Dad and mum never specifies but I know it's just business."

"Why do you think they had you hide your last name?" I ask.

"Security purposes?" She replies as she shrugs slightly.

"Don't you find it a little bit strange." I ask her again. I didn't know how to put it so bluntly that her parents were drug dealers and her father is the leader of the cartel.

"I do. But I've never bothered to ask. Why?" Allison replies.

I turn to her holding both her hand in mine.

"Allison. The real business behind the Atravesar wealth is drugs. I know you're going to find this hard to believe I suggest you call your parents and ask for a reasonable explanation. Allison you're turning 19 soon and I suggest you talk to your family. You deserve the truth."

Allison already has a tear rolling down her face as she shakes her head in disbelief. She immediately stands up from the ground muttering words I can't quite make out.

"Allison I know this because I'm a mik..."
Allison cuts me off before I can say too much.

"It all adds up doesn't it...the shooting ranges, the defense lessons, the race lessons, everything. Everything adds up." She says holding her hands against her head.

"Allison calm down. Just talk to your parents." I say.

"Don't talk to me Snart. Book the next flight to Texas and inform Caroline and Jayden when they get back." She says running upstairs.

Allison comes down from her room as she has changed into a black legging , a black camisole with a black leather jacket and a black boot. She tied her hair in a bun in order to get it out of her face.

"When's the flight?" She asks.

"In 45 minutes time."

"Then we'd better get to the airport now." She says as she starts walking towards the door.

"Allison you okay?"

Allison doesn't answer but gets into the passenger seat of my Chevrolet. I sigh before getting into the driver's seat.

I start the car and I hear my engines purr to life.

"I'll be okay when I learn the whole truth." Allison says.


Yess!!!! The book is finally at its climax! I honestly feel so good.

Snart told Allison everything... oh wow he must have fell real hard or maybe he is up to something?? Anywaysss😂

I wrote this chapter in the morning before school so it might be a little rough.

I love you all!!!

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