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"It was..." Green says.

"Oh come on! Say it already!" Jayden says.

"Promise me something first?" Green says.


"You'll leave my brother out of this drama. "

"Sure. Gary is my friend. " I say.

"Good. Akeem was the one who gave the order to kill Pedro. " Green struggles to say.

"What?" Jayden yells.

I hear a sharp sound echoing in my ear. Shriek... shriek...shriek.

"Allison you okay?" Jayden says to me faintly.

"What?" I say.

"You went silent for a few seconds just now." Jayden says.

"Uh... I needed time to process what he said." I say to Jayden before tucking my hair behind my ears and turning to Green.

"You said Akeem ordered you to kill my dad?" I ask him.

"I don't know why, it was just a job. He paid me 5 thousand dollars for it." Green says.

"Then why didn't he have you killed immediately after you did the job?" I say.

Something doesn't add him. Akeem wouldn't leave a loose end of a job untied. Except... except there's something Green isn't telling us. He's not telling us the whole story and I can't afford the time or pleasure of torturing him.

"He said he'd like to keep me around incase the need arises." Green says.

Snart and Jeremy walk over to Jayden and I, we all walk out of the room to talk.

"It doesn't make any sense whatsoever." Jeremy says.

"Same thing I thought." I say.

Snart is pacing back and forth.

"What do y'all think we should do about him? We can't hurt him, he's Gary's brother." Jayden says.

"And is that suppose to have an effect on the situation?" Jeremy says.

Snart is still pacing.

"Okay Snart Mickelson, do you have something to say or you just want to keep making me dizzy?" I say to Snart earning the attention of Jeremy and Jayden.

I don't miss the look that Jeremy gives me. He's hurt, I'm hurting him.

Snart walks towards us.

"What reason do you think Akeem would have for having your father eliminated." Snart says.

"I can't think of any. Last I checked, his family was very happy working for mine. I really don't know why the fuck he'd want to have my dad killed." Allison says.

"We can always find out luv." Snart says and turns to walk into the room we were keeping Green.

We follow.

As we get into the room, we see Green with his phone by his side as he strategically bent his arms and waist to be able to see his phone screen.

I walk towards him and give him a punch, Jeremy drags the phone.

"Bloody hell Jayden, you did not think of ridding him of his belongings?" Snart yells.

"I'm not used to this okay!" Jayden yells back.

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