CHAPTER 23: Give me proof.

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{24 hours earlier}

Allison just informed everyone that she'll be going to visit Gillian Alcatraz. That's the first time she's going to be stepping out of the house in a long time. Sometimes I wonder if the old Allison is still in there somewhere.

I am walking towards my car as I struggle to get my keys out of my bag.
I want to use the spare time to go visit my parents.

"Hey Jayden!"  Someone calls from behind.

I come to a stop and turn backwards to see Gary, Allison's Head of security running towards me.

"Yes?" I say as I cross my arms underneath my breasts.

"Stop that. You're showing too much cleavage." Gary says under his breath but I still make out the words.

"Seriously?" I say as I scoff out loud.

"Look. I am hoping we could hang out and talk about what happened between us at the party earlier."

"We kissed okay? No big deal. I kiss people everyday." I tell him.

He laughs a little bit.
As he laughs you can see his dimples forming and his eyes becomes hardly visible yet so beautiful.

"Why the laugh?" I ask.

"I was talking about you beating my ass earlier and not a kiss and I am positive I wasn't the one you kissed, I am sure it was my twin brother."

Wait! What?

"Twin brother? How? No one said you had a twin!"

"Every one knows Green and I are identical okay? That's why he's in the cooking department and I'm in the security department although he's an equally good fighter." He says.

"I knew it was weird seeing you in a chef hat." I say in between my laugh.

"So? What do you say we hang out huh?" He asks.

"Uhhhh...I was going to my parents." I say.

"Oh! Cool. We'll hang out another time then." He says.

I have a second thought and I throw him the keys to my car.

"You drive. I'm too tired."

"Whatever you say miss."

Gary gets into the car and I am sitting in the passenger seat surfing through my Instagram.
I go to the notifications panel and see a follow alert. I tap on the profile and see Gary or Green, anyone of the twin.
I tap the follow back button and Gary's phone made a beep sound.

"So Gary Cunsulo. What's your deal?"

"How did you know my last name?" He asks.

"A certain Cunsulo555 followed me on Instagram."

He lets out a small laugh making him look so cute again.

"So that means it's your account not Greens."

* * * *

Gary and I are sitted in stools at are bar taking tequila shots.

"So why did you kiss Green? Tell me how did it happen?" He asks.

"Ughhh! This is so embarrassing." I say running my hand through my hair.

"Come on. It can't be that bad." He says.

"Uhh... I had just broken up with my girlfriend a week ago..." I noticed him give a surprised look.

"What?" I ask.

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