CHAPTER 20: Where Allies Lie.

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Allison's P.O.V.

"How the hell did he escape?" I say to Caroline and Jayden as I  walked into the study, Jayden shutting the door behind her. Caroline is still limping from the gunshot wound on her leg.

Nobody says a thing.

"Come on guys! Say something." I say.

"What about if you've been looking at this the wrong way." Jayden says.

"What do you mean?" I say as I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't know for sure if Snart killed your father. You held him for a year Allison! A year! You didn't even treat him properly." Jayden says.

Right now, I'm staring at Jayden.

"You and Snart were friends before all these. He said he didn't kill your dad. Look, I'm not an expert in cartel stuff but I know that when you trust someone you should believe in them and give them the benefit of the doubt." Jayden finishes.

"I trusted Snart Fletcher not Snart Mikealson. He destroyed that trust when he lied to me about his identity." I say.

Caroline is still silent.

I pick up the intercom and place a direct call to Gary, my head of security telling him I need Mr Jedson, Mr Fisher, himself and Akeem in my study effective immediately.

I stare at the TV that shows all the feedback of the CCTV cameras wondering how Snart escaped. I walk towards the remote and rewind the footage, and there it is.
Caroline and Snart each holding a gun against each other and exchanging a few words.

"What's going on here?" I ask Caroline.

"Nothing. I'm just telling him to drop the gun." Caroline says.

"You could have easily shot him."  I say.

"I could but yet I still ended up with an injured leg." Caroline says.

There's a knock on the door and that signifies that the people I sent for are available.

I mentally tell myself that I'm not done with Caroline.

"Come in."

Mr Jedson, Mr Fisher, Gary and my fiance walk in. They all settle down and take seats in different strategic places in the room but Akeem stands by my side.

He's always supporting me but why am I not satisfied?

"Mr Fisher, you're the cartels strategist, please what do you think of this situation?" I ask looking at Caroline's father.

"Now, you kidnapped the son of the Mikealsons and held him against his will and that is an act of war. If I am being correct the Mikealsons will retaliate and I say we should be ready when they do." Mr Fisher says.

"Mr Jedson, you control our weapons and our legion of fighters. I want everything to be put in place." I say to him.

Mr Jedson nods in agreement.

"Allison, everyone at that party heard about Snart escaping and those are the major men in ths drug business. Word is going to  get around Allison. We need to know where allies lie." Akeem says.

"I'm handling alot right now, running Atraverser Group of Companies isn't easy." I say to Akeem.

The company is just a front to explain to the government how we get our money. I'm the CEO of the company and I still have to keep up appearances.

"Then I as your COO, will handle things in your absence." Akeem says back.

"So where does I start from?"I ask Akeem.

"Mr Gillian Alcatraz. Remember him from earlier?"

I nod.

"If you can convince Gillian you've convinced everyone. Just have Gillian on your side."

"Great. I leave for his house first thing tomorrow."

"Take Gary and Caroline with you." Akeem says and everyone turns to look at an injured Caroline who can't even defend herself not to talk of a second person.

"I can't. I'll be a burden and that won't be sending a good message to the Alcatraz's." Caroline says.

"I'll go with Allison in Caroline's place. " Jayden says and everyone gives her a disbelieving look because we all know how the Smothers do not involve their self in cartel issues.

"Jayden? No offense but you don't have what it takes." Akeem says.

"You think?" Jayden asks.

"I know." Akeem says and gives a signal for Gary to attack Jayden.

Gary throws a punch and Jayden blocks it and puches him in the stomach as she grabbed his other arm and flips him to the floor.

What! Jayden looks so badass right now.

"You guys need to work on your security." Jayden says as she blows a loose strand of hair from her face with her heel on the crook of Gary's neck.

Everyone's jaw literally dropped.

"Jayden is coming with me."

Gary immediately grabs Jayden and sweeps her off the floor making her land directly on him and I can swear I saw their lips touch for a split second before Jayden gets up immediately.


The tension in this car is killing me.

I look at Jayden who's staring at her phone, it's not even on! And I look at Gary who is playing with his fingers.

What the hell is going on?

Jayden, Gary and I are sitting inside my limo on our way to Mr Gillians home.

I clear my throat and say-- " I didn't know you could fight so well Jayden. You surprised all of us last night."

"Uh...yeah...Dad taught me a little while growing up and ever since you joined the drug business I still had a little training cause I thought it might come in handy. " Jayden says quietly.

"That explains how you beat my head of security." I say.

"I just took him by surprise that's all." I say.

"Gary what do you have to say about that?" I ask.

"I think she'll do well in our security department or holding a place in the cartel." Gary says.

"Haven't you heard? Ion do cartels." Jayden says.

"Then what do you do? Miss judo skills?" Gary asks.

"You don't wanna know." Jayden says.


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