CHAPTER 33: Apologetic Meal.

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Allison's P.O.V

Insecurities was something I always had. If I wasn't having the perfect grades or if I wasn't looking as pretty as my friends or if I got too fat, then I'd beat myself up.
Right now? I'm so insecure,  not because of any minor issue but because the wedding is in two days time.

My mum got back from the hospital this morning and she is looking as healthy as ever. The house is so busy with different interior decorators, we are using the compound for the wedding seeing as it's going to be a small gathering. The after party will be inside the mansion. We've sent out invitations to the most important cartels and gangs out there. Even the Mickelsons were invited.

"Hey. The boys are waiting for us." Caroline says to me.

We were meeting up with Snart, Jeremy and Gary later at the cabin.  We roped Gary in on everything that was going on few days back, he was so disappointed that his brother had something to do with it and he asked Jayden out.

It made me happy, seeing Jayden and Gary happy. It made our lives feels little bit normal.

"Alright, Jaydens in the car already right?" I ask.


Caroline and I head out. We use the excuse of going shopping for some wedding accessories. I know Akeem knows we were not telling the truth but, I don't care anymore.

We get into the car and Jayden starts driving.

"Guys..." Caroline says.


"What if we all don't make it out of this fight?" Caroline says.

"Hey! Stop that. We're all gon make it okay?" Jayden says with a smile.

Caroline smiles.

"Besides Akeem doesn't stand a chance against us." I add.

"By us do you mean the 6 of us? Because the Mickelson parents have no idea of what their sons are up to." Caroline says .

"Hey. Why are being so pessimistic? Chill sis. It's all gonna be good." Jayden adds.

We continue the drive in silence for a few minutes.

"Jeremy or Snart?" I suddenly ask.


"Wah?" Caroline and Jayden say at the same exact time.

"I really want to know. I can't keep leading both brothers on." I say.

"Oohh. That." Caroline says

"Who do you love?" Jayden says.

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking you." I say.

"Describe them." Jayden says.

I take in a deep breath.

"Jeremy is so calm, moral, kind, compassionate, kind-hearted and caring. His brooding and introvert nature just makes him like a puzzle that I can't quite figure out." I say.

"Awwwww." The girls echo.

"And when we kiss? God! I feel alive, like a teenager who's talking to her crush. Butterflies run around in my stomach, I feel energetic, I feel excited."

"Wow." Jayden says.

"But with Snart? It's the complete opposite. He's witty, funny, charming, intriguing. His accent make me go weak in the knees, being with him feels dangerous but the danger excites me. And when we kiss? I feel safe, it feels passionate and as though there's a fire burning inside me that can only be put out by him." I say.

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