CHAPTER 26: Cunsolo twins

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Allison's P.O.V

That's how I feel, not being able to feel anything, just empty, void, I can't even feel the breeze against my skin or my hand as I ruffle my hair.

"Hey, what are you going to do Ally?" Jayden says as she comes into the room.
I've been in the room since I watched the video of who killed my dad, I wanted to think, the person had been with me all along, decieving me and lieing to me.

"I'm going to find out every single person that's behind his murder and I'm going to kill them." I say.

"Ugh. Slow down girl. Just come out of this room first, the boys are waiting. You aren't going to be killing anyone from in here now are you?" Jayden says.

She's right.

We walk out from the small room and pass through the corridor to get into the sitting room. I meet Snart and Jeremy discussing and immediately they see me they stand up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jeremy asks.

"I'm good." I say.

"We are here to help and assist you in any way we can." Snart says.

"Well, thanks. What do you think of this? What should I do?" I say as we all sit down.

Time to discuss strategies.

* * * *
Gary's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the highway with a splitting headache. As I sit up I try and recollect my memories and then it hit me...

"Oh shit!" I mutter to myself as I get up and run over to the car. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number of the boss's fiance but he wasn't picking up. I tried calling again and again but he didn't answer. I dialed miss Caroline and she answered immediately.

"Yes Gary? Where are you guys? What is taking you guys so long?" She says from the other end of the phone.

"I lost the boss." I say.

"You what now?"

" second the driver was driving a...a...and the next we were being hit, being hit by another car. " I look over to the chauffeur and he has his head on the steering wheel with blood all over.... he looks dead.

"The chauffeur is dead ma'am." I continue.

"I don't care about no damn bloody driver! Where is Allison and Jayden?"

"They were taken, by the Mikealson brothers." I say.

"Urghhhhhhhhhh!" I hear a load groan coming from the other end of the phone.

"Get to the compound now."


Immediately, I pull the very much dead driver out of the car and drive my way towards the Atraverser manor.

* * * *

"I want everyone looking for them! Search every camera, every nook and cranny! I want them found before the end of today." Caroline yells.

Everyone scurries away to their different post. Caroline isn't exactly pleasant when she is angry.

"How's your head coming Gary?" Caroline asks me.

"Oh this?" I say as I drop the pack of ice I was applying at the back of my swollen and sore neck.

"All good now." I continue.

"What do you remember?" Caroline asks.

"That's it. I told you everything already." I say.

"Dammit!" Caroline says as she punches the wall and throws her hands over her head.

I can see tears slowly creeping out but the lady is trying so much to hide it.

This is what happens when you leave a drug cartel to teenagers. Pedro would never have cried.

"Well I'm not Pedro!" Caroline yells back at me.

Oh my God. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did." She says.

"Look. Calm down. We have some of the best hands. We'll find them." I say.

"How? It took Allison months to get Snart. I mean you and I both know that they could be halfway across the country already." Caroline says to me.

"And you and I both know that Snart and Jeremy are not responsible for Pedro's death. You can see it in their eyes. " I say as I stand to walk out of the room.

As I walk away from miss Caroline, the boss's fiance, Akeem walks in and hugs Caroline so passionately and she just starts sobbing.

Pshh. One would think they were the ones getting married.

"I heard you Gary!" Caroline yells.

Oh no! Not again!

* * * *
Allison's P.O.V.

We go over the plan one more time, the plan is quite simple, get back home, pretend all is going on, find the culprit, torture them till they confess who else was with them.

"But guys. You're forgetting Gary saw y'all. He's probably back at the mansion and telling everyone y'all kidnapped us." Jayden says.

"That's why we have to make sure one of you lands in the hospital, to explain things." Jeremy says.

"I'll be the one. Just shoot my leg, make it good." I say.

Everyone is looking at me.

"...after all I deserve worse for what I did to Snart." I say.

"Ally." Jayden says and rest her hands on my lap.

I force a smile.

"You can't tell anyone back at home Allison, not even Caroline." Jeremy says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"We aren't even certain of who the killer is yet and who could be working with them." Snart says.

"It's easy. The killer was right handed." I say.

I mean it was an easy call, the killer was clearly right handed and that was a easy way to nail him.

"I checked. Both of them shoot with their right hands." Jayden deadpanned.

I run my hand through my short hair and lay my head back in frustration.

"So which of the Cunsulo twins killed my father? Gary or Green?" I say.


Who do y'all think killed Pedro?
And who do you think sent them?

I had fun writing this chapter!

I'm gonna write a little something sweet in the next chapter.

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