CHAPTER 7: Trust.

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Jeremy's P.O.V.

This assignment is bloody harder than I thought. I just can't get close to Allison and then betray her? Besides she's not easy to manipulate either.

I'm suppose to figure out all of her family's plans and operations and then report back to dad. I'm sure dad will want Allison's father dead.

All I need is to get her to trust me with the Atravesar secret. That's all.

Allison Atravesar. You are a tough nut to crack.

I walk down the stairs into the living room to see Snart making out with a red headed girl. Classic Snart.

"Bloody hell Snart! Not in the sitting room please."

"Oh. Hey! Perfect timing brother. Meet Sofya." Snart says.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." I say as I shake her hand and grab a hold of her.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Sofya asks.

"Come by in let's say...never." I push her out the door and shut it. "Bye!"

"Nicely done brother. Nicely done. You ruined all my fun, you're such an arsehole." Snart says as I walked back to the living room.

"That girl, she's going to thank me later for saving her from a life time of the Mikealson rubbish you bell-end." I say back.

There's a brief moment of awkward silence in which Snart just stares at me.

I stroll over to the kitchen island to grab a drink. Rum to be specific.

"Any improvement on Allison?" Snart asks.

"No, she's bloody secretive. Caroline?"

"No. But I noticed something about her. She's got sharp reflexes." Snart says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Earlier this week when she came over, I accidentally dropped a bottle of scotch and she caught it in blink." Snart says.

"Maybe it's just luck."

"No... it's more than just luck."

"Well,I haven't noticed anything about Allison." I say.

"How do you do it brother?" Snart asks.

"Do what?" I say.

"Pretend to love Allison. How do you fake those emotions?"

"I don't. I just try my best to have fun. You should try it sometime." I say....

As we were talking the front door bursts wide open to reveal Jayden and Caroline walking in.

"Jayden, Caroline. What's up?" I ask.

All Caroline could do was shake her head.

"We need your help. Something happened. " Jayden says.

Where's Allison?

"Where is Allison?" Snart beats me to it.

"I'm right here." Allison says as she walks in to join the rest of us.

Her hands are covered in dried blood and her clothes are stained with blood.

Typical Atravesar style.

"Allison. Are you okay?" Snart asks as he walks up to her.

Allison looks scared and her hair was scattered.

"I'm obviously not fucking okay." Allison says.

"Then what's the problem?" I ask.

"Please can I freshen up for a bit. I promise to explain everything when I'm done." Allison asks.


Allison and the girls go upstairs to help Allison get all the blood away.

"What do you think is going on?" Snart asks.

"I have absolutely no idea. Maybe someone attacked her?" I say.

"But why would she come here?" Snart asks.

"Because she needs our help."


Allison comes down the stairs with Jayden and Caroline. She's putting on my shorts and my sweat shirt.

"I haven't been entirely honest with you Jeremy. You too Snart." Allison says.

God! This is the moment I've been waiting for.

"My Ex boyfriend, Akeem. The blood that stained me belongs to him."

Snart and I don't say a thing.  We just give Allison our unwrapped attention.

Allison swallows hard.

"He was such a dick by blackmailing me into dating him. I couldn't stand it. And when he tried to hurt me I fought back and that led to me stabbing him with a knife. I hurt him real bad."

I looked over at Allison's neck and I could see a bruise.

"To blackmail someone. You need to have something to hold against the person. What did Akeem have against you?" Snart asks.

"Akeem knows my damn secret." Allison says.

It's of this moment I start searching my mind for the right expression to give when she says she's an Atravesar.

"He knows my true identity. One that if anyone knows could put them in huge trouble. And now Akeem is threatening to tell it to everyone. " Allison continues.

"What is it Allison? You can trust me." I say.

"You can trust us." Snart adds.

Snart is such a bollock!

"My name is Allison Atravesar. Atravesar translates to Pierce." Allison says bluntly.

"Atraverser as in the big motherfucking owners of Atraverser group of Companies." Caroline adds.

"So're saying that you are the daughter of the biggest businessman in the whole of Texas and Mexico?" Snart asks.

Snart deserves an Oscar award.

"Yes. And now Akeem is using that against me. I stabbed him and I am sure he is injured real bad but that isn't going to stop the asshole. He's going to come back and when he does I'll be needing all the help I can get." Allison says whilst looking at me.

I still don't say a word. Nothing.

Allison walks up to me and holds my hands.

"Jeremy?" Allison asks.

"We have to stop Akeem. Allison Atravesar you can count on me." I say as I hug her.

I could spot Snart rolling his eyes.

I think I need to talk to Akeem Jedson. He could do well to my plans.


I'm so not happy with the views and votes...we can do better guys!

So Allison! Why did she do that!

Any ways...
What plans were Jeremy referring to?

Thanks for reading muffins!

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