CHAPTER 9: Not a Damsel In Distress.

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Allison's P.O.V

I woke up with a banging headache because I couldn't get any sleep last night. I'm still thinking of how much of a shitty person I am. How could I do that? I care for Jeremy so much, I mean how could I hurt him?

"Where are you off to?" Jeremy asked as I was about combing my hair.

"I have two classes this morning. I need to hurry."

I said all these avoiding eye contact and hastening up.

"Bye! I gotta go."

"No goodbye kiss?" Jeremy asked.

"Uh...I'll save it for later. Promise." I said as I opened his room door and walked out.

Immediately I stepped out of Jeremy's room, I was met with Snart coming out from his room which was opposite Jeremy's. Snart was about saying something but I just bolted out.

Jeremy. Snart. Jeremy. Snart. Jeremy. Snart. Oh my God I'm gonna go crazy!

The day was going by so slowly. Classes were agonizing.

It was a very sunny day and I was with both of my parents at the shooting range. Alongside my personal trainer. Michael Jedson.

"You need to hit all 10 of the targets mija." My mum say.

"Choose your weapon carefully. Remember a warriors weapon determines his victory." Michael says.

13 year old me goes for the Remington 870.

"Hhmmn. A shot gun. Nicely done mija." My dad says.

I cock the gun, stand properly, take an angle aim and then pull the trigger...

"Miss Pierce!" The voice of the lecturer calling out my name zaps me back to reality.

"Yes sir?"

"Could you please explain everything I've been saying for the past minute?" He says.

I look up to the board and see the topic--Deficit Budget.

I read about that last night.

I stand up to my feet trying to remember all I read and then rambled all I knew about the deficit budget.

The whole class was astonished.

"Have your seat miss Pierce. Next time don't zone out in my class." Lecturer says.

The day whizzed by pretty fast I would say.
All my classes had ended and I was on my way to the juice store to work my short shift.
Suddenly I felt someone was following me and I hastened my footsteps.
Well I've been feeling someone following since I left school but this footsteps are different.

Suddenly, two guys in leather jackets appeared in front of me and started dragging my bag.

Thieves. I was being robbed.

I immediately face palmed one of them and kicked the other as I made my way to run but one grabbed me by my hair and dragged me back. The next thing I know Snart was there fighting one of the guys-- well I wouldn't say fighting, he was dancing around as though whipping the guys ass was nothing.

I took on the other guy. I swing right, swing left, jab left, swing left until he was on the floor.

"Come on let's go." Snart says as he extended his hands to me.

I grabbed it and walked with him.
As I walked the remaining of the way, we had a slight conversation.

"You really should be more attentive next time when you're walking." Snart says.

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