CHAPTER 35: Bridesmaids duty.

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The wedding day is here. I wake up and look directly opposite my bed, my violet dress is arranged there. I roll over and check my phone, 5:49 am. I crawl lazily out of my bed and head towards Akeems room. I don't bother knocking but rather walk into his room like I own the place.

As I walk into his room, I spot something on his table, I walk towards his table and put some of the white substance in my hand and the place it in my tongue, Cocaine. I dust the remaining out of my hand.

The water in the bathroom stops running and Akeem walks into the room, naked. Well this isn't the first time I'm seeing him naked so I don't totally cringe.

"Caroline." Akeem says.

"Put on some clothes keem, so we can have a conversation." I say.

"What? Are you distracted?" Akeem said wittingly.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before Akeem?" I reply.

"Talk. I'm listening."

"Put on some clothes."

"My wedding is in a few hours Caroline, I ain't gat time for all this."

I take in a deep breath.

"Let's just go away together Akeem, don't get married to Allison." I say.

Akeem looks at me confusingly.

"Don't. We both know you don't love her, at least not anymore, Akeem please, we'll go somewhere else, together. " I say.

Akeem walks closer to me and cups my face, he gently kisses me and for a moment I think he was going to take up my offer and leave with me.

"You know I can't do that Care, Allison is good for me and our marriage will strengthen our cartel."

"Just stop think about the cartel for once , put yourself first, put us...put me first."

"I can't Caroline, I can't." He says and then leaves me.

Akeem starts putting on some clothes.

"I guess I'll see you at the wedding." I say and I walk out of the room.

* * * *

I am done dressing up in my bridesmaid outfit and then I pack my hair in neat bun. I put on a little eye shadow and some lipstick. Perfect.

I walk into the hallway and head for Allison's room, she's getting ready for her wedding. I walk into her room and there she is standing in all her beautiful glory. Her jewelry was top notch and her outfit was perfect even for a queen. Her hair was styled to perfection and I looked at her with content, that's my bestfriend.

Jayden and I are both spotting a short violet body-con dress. I have a pair of black boots and  have my hair in a neat bun. Jayden has silver flats on and has her hair in a very full fro. I can bet it on my life that these girls each have at least 5 weapons hidden in their body cause all hell might break loose today.

I hear the noises of people rushing and getting settled down. It's starting.

"Please can we all be sitted?" The priest says from over the microphone.

"We are all gathered here today for the very people we love, for Allison and Akeem."

Some moments passes.

"Please let's all acknowledge the groom as he walks in."

Everyone is clapping their hands.

"It's time mi hija." Allisons mum says.

"Bueno?" She continues.

"Bueno." Allison's mum say affirmatively.

The bridal chorus starts playing. It's time.

Allisons mum opens the door and I start walking , my  every step matching Allison's which matches the music. The path we follow is beautifully adorned with a carpet. Allison come out from the doors and we follow to be met with the crowd that's gathered here for my wedding. Everyone stands up.

I can spot a few faces amongst the crowd. The Smothers, Jedsons, my parents, the Alcatrazes, Dynalys, the Mexican drug ring, the South African gangs, Russian mafia, some of the major gangs from across the country.

I look forward and I see Akeem. He's looking perfect. I wish I was the one in Allison's dress. I'd give anything, just anything to be the one Akeem is getting married to. It's a pity that all hell is going to let loose and things are going to go south for him. I feel like dragging him the hell out of here and into safety.  But for what it's worth, I tried.

Allison reaches the alter and Akeem stretches his hands to pull her closer. She takes his hands.

Things are about to get interesting.

"May we all be sitted." The priest says.

Every one sits down.

"Everyone of us sitted here today are gathered because we all want to witness the joining of the love between Allison and Akeem. Love is a beautiful emotion, it is a connection many people can't understand, we should be happy that our two lovely children found love in eachother. Now time for the vows. Akeem?"

Akeem takes in a deep breath.

"Allison Atraverser. I remember the first time I saw you when we were kids, you'd come to my house to train with my pop, there and then I knew I had to have you to myself, we started dating from highschool and then we broke up, if anyone told you we'd end up together you'd most prolly kill em. But! Here we are now." Akeem says and everyone in the congregation let's out small laughs. 

Akeem and I lock eyes and then I look away.

"You're good for me Allison. I want you to know that." Akeem continues.

Allison let's out a small laugh.

"I vow to you today Akeem Jedson, for everything you've made me feel, for every emotion I feel when I think of you, I'd make sure you feel exactly what I am feeling for the remaining of your years. I vow Akeem, I vow to live for you." Allison say.

The priest smiles.

"If there is anyone who has any cause why this two should not be wedded in holy matrimony please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Now Snart, now.

"Well very much, yes." A voice says from the congregation.

Every turns to the direction of the voice and I certainly do too.

"That woman cannot get married to that murderer." Snart says.

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