CHAPTER 14: Atravesar Future.

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The above picture is of Actor Ian Somerhalder who plays Snart Mikealson/Fletcher

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The above picture is of Actor Ian Somerhalder who plays Snart Mikealson/Fletcher.

Allison's P.O.V

He just lays there lifeless. Streams of tears already run down my face as I try and make my way to his lifeless body.

He cannot be dead. This is not happening.

I touch his body but it seems cold. I don't know how I feel right now. It's such a strange feeling but it's the realization that I just lost my father. Everything else becomes a blur. It's like I'm here but I'm not here. It's like my soul has become so gravy for my body.
My Dad is gone and he isn't coming back.

I sense my the presence of other people in the room. I look up to see my mother.

"Mum why!" I muffle out through my tears.

My mother doesn't shout, she doesn't wail, doesn't show her emotions towards her husband's death. My mum has always been a strong woman.

But I'm not strong. I can't handle this! This might mean for my family to loose everything. This all feels like a very bad nightmare from which I'll wake up any moment now. But I know it isn't. It's all real.

Caroline picks me up and hugs me but that only results in making my tears worse. Akeem then rest his hands on my shoulders. Then... my tears stopped running. It's as though he gave me some sort of comfort. He empowered me.

But you know what I feel now? Anger. Emptiness . Hatred. Revenge. I promise to avenge my father's death. Whoever killed him is going to pay I promise.

I clean up my tears and finally have the ability to look up and that was when Michael Jedson says-- " We got to get the police over. Whoever did this must be identified. "

"I'm sure Pedro didn't go down without a fight. He is a strong man." Caroline's dad says. I had learned about Caroline's dad being my father's right hand.

"The police isn't good enough. We need to use our own source to track the killer, and I promise to make them pay." My mum says.

We were all gathered in the living room--Akeem, Caroline, Caroline's parents, Akeem's Parents and I. We couldn't stay in the study, the police has already ruled it as a crime scene. My dad's body was at the morgue. The morgue. That's were you keep dead people. My father is actually dead.

"Word of Pedro's death will soon spread and I'm sure whoever did this will be back to finish of whatever it is they started." Caroline's dad say.

"Someone has to step up to power." Michael Jedson adds.

My mother stands. "They are only 2 persons capable of leading this cartel. My daughter Allison alongside her betrothed or the second in command."

"I have no desire of becoming the next druglord. I think what pedro would have wanted is for Allison to lead. And of course with Akeem by Allison's side, everything would run smoothly." Caroline's dad adds.

They talk and talk about the Atravesar future. I don't really care anymore but right now I'd do anything to avenge my father even if it means stepping up to power.

"I'll do it." I say.

Everyone turns to me with either surprise gazes or smiling faces.

"Allison you sure about this?" Caroline asks.

"Yes. I'll do this. This is my father's legacy. I just can't let it falter. I promised my father's dead body I'd avenge his death and I will hit only if I have the means." I say.

They are all still staring at me.

"I accept the betrothal to Akeem and I make Caroline my right hand." I say.

"That's not all about the business Allison..." Michael Jedson says but I cut him off before he says too much.

"I know everything about the business. Mr Jedson, you handle the guns and the fighters. The Jedsons have always been in charge of those sort of things. Manpower. The Fishers, you are in charge of making sure every drug gets to its appropriate place and time without delay. Keep it that way too." I say.

Akeem stands up and walks to my side saying -- " I think we all need to respect our new leader."

Everyone stands up and congratulates me. Michael Jedson gives me a word of advice as always. The fishers tell me how impressed and proud they are of me being able to accept such responsibilities without flinching.
My mom makes me promise to avenge my dad.

"I can't do this alone. Everyone in this room. I need each of your help. Please I implore you to support me as you did with my father."

"You've already earned our respect Allison." Mrs Fisher says.

"And... our loyalty." Mrs Jedson says.


Caroline and I sit on the couch in my room. The blue and purple color of the room suddenly irritates me.

"Have you told Jayden about all of this?" I ask.

"Yes. She promised to get on the first flight of the weekend."

"I'm so tired Caroline, I can't believe I'm actually getting married to Akeem Jedson."

"What about Jeremy?" Caroline asks.

"It's a good thing we broke up then." I say.

"And Snart?" She adds.

I give her a surprised gaze.

"Come on. I'm blonde not stupid. And besides the sexual tension between the both of you is so obvious."

"I'm sorry Caroline,I knew he was your boyfriend."

"It's okay Al, you can't tell your heart who to love. And besides Snart was just for fun anyways." She says.

"I love you Care."

"Awwwww. I love you too Allison."

The intercom rings and Caroline picks it up. I look at her as she makes the phone call and then drops it.

"It's our secret contact in the police. He says the forensics department have some information." Caroline says.

I take a glock 26 gen 4 pistol and hide it underneath my shirt at my back as I look to Caroline and shes  strapping a gun to her back also.

"Then let's get going." I say.



Can I say I really looooove Caroline! So much. So Uhmm all ye Allikeem shippers you should be happy now! They are practically engaged.

I miss Snart and Jeremy already.

Do you think the police have a lead on the murder?
Well, well... till then.

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