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Allison's P.O.V


"I know Jayden would be hoping it isn't Gary." Snart says and laughs.

"Anyone it is, I don't care. They are going to pay." I say.

Jeremy cocks his gun and shoots my leg where it'll heal quickly.

I scream out in agony.

"You bastard!" I say through my screams.

"What? You said to make it look good." Jeremy says.

"You're stupid." Snart says and bends towards me.

"Hey you're okay?" Snart asks.

"I'll be okay." I say.

Snart puts his hand into the bullet wound and u scream in agony as he fishes for the bullet.

"Found it." He says as he brings out the bullet a d throws it somewhere on the floor. He grabs a bottle of vodka and pours the content on the wound. Hell, that hurts. He tears a part of my shirt and uses it to tie the wound.

Snart made sure I was doing good and after that we all entered the car and they drove us to the woods close to the mansion.

"So we stick to the plan innit?" Jeremy says.

"Yes." Jayden says.

"Hey. Take care of her Smothers." Snart says to Jayden and Jayden nods.

Jeremy and Snart gets into the car and Jeremy drove off.

Jayden and I share a knowing look.

We walk towards the gate of the mansion and its only then that I noticed I have a limping leg, I hold on to Jayden as we walked.

"La jafe esta qui." The guards say and they all start running towards us.

Two guards carry each of us on their backs and into the mansion.

The guards drop Jayden and I lying on two separate chairs in the sitting room.

"Go get me Caroline and My fiance." I say to the guard.

He bows and leaves.

Ximena and my mum immediately run toward Jayden and I simultaneously.

"Baby are you okay? Caroline has turned down everywhere looking for you." My mum says.

"I was kidnapped by the Mickelson brothers." I say.

"Gary told us. Look baby we have to respond with a show of force." My mum says.

All I could do was nod, she didn't even bother asking me where it hurt or if I was tortured or what they said to me. All she could think of was a retaliation move.

"And we'll have to move up your wedding with Akeem." My mum says.

No. No. Not now.

"But I don't turn twenty till next month. That's when we are having the wedding." I say to my mum.

"The wedding is next week Allison. Start getting ready." My mum says.

I'm about objecting when Caroline walks in with Akeem by her side.


Caroline immediately gropes me in a tight hug.

"I was worried sick." Caroline says.

"C'mon it ain't that easy to get rid of me." I say and laugh.

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