Caught On the Fly

Start from the beginning

           “Well lads, how is London treating you?” She asked and flipped back her bottle blonde hair. I looked down at my boring brown hair and sighed.

           “It’s been great to be back home. You know we love our fans here and they have just been unbelievable these past moths.” Louis answered and they all nodded in agreement.

           “And when is your next tour?” she smiled.

           “Um we have one coming up in November then a world tour later so,” Zayn answered.

           “That’s great.” She smiled and flashed all of her perfectly white and straight teeth. “Now before we move on, we have some fan questions here. Here’s one from Xenia and she wants to know what you have even been in trouble for the most.” All the boys groaned and smiled like they had a story to share.

           “I killed my sister’s gerbil when I was eleven.” Harry admitted.

           “You killed it!”

           “Well accidentally. I was supposed to feed it while she was away at a slumber camp…”

           “You forgot to?” the interviewer interrupted again.

           “No, I over fed it and it just died. It was very old so... I felt bad though!” he just shrugged.

           “I left my mum’s curling iron on and it burnt down the washroom.” Niall said and the camera moved to him.

           “What were you doing with your mum’s curling iron?” Liam asked turning to him.

           “I don’t know,” Niall laughed and the audience laughed with him.

           “When I was sixteen my friend bought me an “Adult Comic Book” and my mum found it.” Louis used air quotes and I covered my mouth. I couldn’t believe he had said that and it looked like the boys couldn’t either.

           “Did you ever buy one again?” the reporter looked like she wanted to rip his clothes off with her teeth.

           “Nope, that’s what I have Harry for,” He put an arm around Harry who smiled. I gasped and added my other hand to cover my mouth.

           “Speaking of girls,” she said. Who was talking about girls? “Harry what is the situation with you and Mandy?”

           “Maggie and I had a difference of opinions,” yeah I guess you could call cheating a ‘difference of opinions’. “She’s a great girl but I don’t think we’re getting back together.” The crowd went “aww” right along with his story.

           “And Zayn, I heard you and Liam had a little tuft as well,” she said bringing up the pictures of Zayn and Lissy kissing, replacing the photo and Harry and I kissing that I hadn’t realized was up there.

           “No, Lissy is still with Liam. We just get on really well and we worked it out.” Zayn smiled and winked to someone offstage who I presumed to be Lissy.

           “It was a misunderstanding and that picture was a rumor. Lissy and Zayn are great friends and Zayn is a great lad.” Liam explained. If I didn’t know the whole story I would’ve thought that made sense.

           “Well unfortunately we have to take a commercial break but we’ll be right back with more of your questions and more ONE DIRECTION!” she announced all the boys stood up and waved. I got up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I went back and the commercial break was over. The boys were still standing and I noticed something different about Louis. As they sat down I shot him a quick text and I was half hoping he had his phone and half hoping the world didn’t see him get the text.

To: Lou Lin :D

Check ur fly xoxo

           I watched as they answered more questions than Louis struck a weird pose and stopped moving.

           “Sorry my mobile. Oh I got a text.” He smiled then his face fell slightly as he read it then broke out into a big smile as he casually glanced down and back up.

           “Who was it?” the reporter asked.

           “It was… Maggie…” Niall grabbed the phone for Louis’s hands as he was sitting next to him. Harry on Louis other side looked shocked, Liam who was next to Niall seemed calm but both Zayn who was next to Liam and Louis had a look of dread on their faces. Great, they matched my look.

           “Maggie as in,” she brought up the picture from when Louis and I went shopping. “Her?”

           “Yeah she must be watching because she told me to zip up my fly, if you’ll excuse me.” Louis got up and grabbed his phone back and walked off stage. He reappeared a minute later with fixed pants and no phone.

           “So Louis, do you two talk often?” The lady asked snidely.

           “Well she’s Liam’s girlfriend’s best friend and our great friend as well so we all stay in contact.” Zayn said coming to Louis’s rescue.

           “As time would have it, it’s time for your performance so why don’t you all head on up there and one last time, ladies and well, ladies. I give you One Direction!” I shut off the TV and just lay on the bed for whatever amount of time.

           “Maggie!” someone yelled up. “You are in a shitload of trouble if you don’t get your ass down here!” ugh, Lissy.

im soooo tirrrreeedddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vote and fan and comment! <3

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